10 Minute Daily Reality Check

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Episode 174: Why You Need Therapy Right Now

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Want to know the most unattractive phrase a human being can ever utter? “I don’t need therapy.” Well, I call B.S. on that. It’s so arrogant, and that’s incredibly unattractive to a healthy person.

You DO need therapy. I promise. Because if you’re the kind of person who thinks they don’t, you’re probably a narcissist. And a narcissist surrounds themselves with fake friends who don’t tell them the truth. Your so-called friends won’t tell you what they think of you, but you know who will? A therapist.

So join me and Dr. John again today as we cut through the bullshit lies that so many of you tell yourselves. Listen to today’s episode, subscribe to the podcast and rate it, share it with your friends, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 173: The Reel of Shit

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Let’s talk about getting to yes or no. We spend so much time speculating, and yet we make almost no decisions. We think “maybe” and “what if,” but we cannot get to yes or no.

Today I’m talking with my friend Dr. John, and he doesn’t think “maybe this person needs surgery.” He makes a decision. Yes or no. And the reason so many of us can’t arrive at yes or no is that we’re stuck with the reel of shit in our heads.

Well, today’s reality check is going to help you escape that reel of shit and make a decision in your life. So listen to it, subscribe to the 10 Minute Daily Reality Check and rate it, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 172: Ring Ring… Destiny Awaits!

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Do you believe in destiny? I do. I believe you have to make your own destiny, but you also have to be present for your destiny to SHOW UP.

And you know what? You can’t do that if you’re constantly on your iPhone 24/7. Because while you’re busy on your phone, on Instagram and Facebook, your destiny is ringing. The job you want, the money you want, the love of your dreams… it’s all waiting for you.

And that’s today’s reality check. You’ve got a date with destiny, and it’s happening right now. Subscribe to and rate this podcast in your podcatcher of choice, share it, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 171: Let Your Quirky Uniqueness Shine!

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Conformity is F*CKING OVERRATED, folks! See, we really are all quirky unique beings deep down, but we’re programmed to shut it down when we’re young. Our parents repress our quirky uniqueness. Mine definitely did.

But I grew up. I started my own business where I could let my quirky uniqueness truly shine. And today’s reality check is: you need to do the same. Because that’s the only way you’re ever going to get everything you want out of life. Don’t let anyone make the rules for you. Let the quirky uniqueness shine.

Listen, subscribe and rate the 10 Minute Daily Reality Check in your podcatcher of choice, share it with EVERYONE who needs to hear it, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 170: How Your Truth Will Set You Free

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You’ve heard the phrase, “the truth will set you free…” but how often do you truly speak YOUR truth? How many conversations and confrontations have you avoided in the past 24 hours alone?

It’s YOUR truth that will set you free, so today I’m going to tell you exactly how to speak your truth to anyone you know. And today’s challenge, today’s reality check is this: speak your truth freely and have that conversation you don’t want to have.

So listen to today’s episode, rate and subscribe to the 10 Minute Daily Reality Check on your podcatcher of choice, and come on back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 169: Shut the F*ck Up and Listen

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Oh my God, am I sick of talkers. People who talk, yet they don’t listen. You see them everywhere. Or, more appropriately, you HEAR them everywhere.

We’re all here to teach each other the lessons we need to learn… and yet, so many of us refuse to just shut up and listen to those lessons. And more than that, simply listening is the key to so much success. It makes you not only a more attractive person, but also wealthier. Simply LISTENING is the key to Oprah’s and Richard Branson’s success (to name just a few).

So today’s message is simply, LISTEN. And listen to this podcast 😉 Download it, subscribe to it and rate it in your podcatcher of choice, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 168: Lose the Outcome, Become Gratitude

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You hear a lot of times, “Don’t be outcome-oriented. Don’t be attached to the outcome.” Well, I want to make money. I want to love an amazing woman. How can I not be outcome-oriented about that?

Heading back to LA with my friend Brett Parker, we talked about a good mindset to keep here. You can want an outcome… but be grateful for ANY outcome. Because you can have goals. You can have dreams. But sometimes life, the universe, God, whatever you believe in, has got other plans. Lessons that need to be learnt first.

So be grateful for those lessons. Subscribe to and rate the 10 Minute Daily Reality Check in your podcatcher of choice, share us on social media, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 167: A Special Kind of Dumb

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Listen: there are dumb people everywhere. But then… there’s a special kind of dumb. The special kind of dumb that leads people to ignore all of life’s lessons. The people who eat like pigs and wonder why they’re not in shape, who date all the same people and wonder why they can’t find love.

Well, today’s challenge is to NOT be that special kind of dumb. LISTEN to the lessons that life is giving you and learn from them.

Today’s podcast is dedicated to all those special kind of dumb people. Listen and see if you know one of them… or worse, if you ARE one of them. And be sure to subscribe and rate the podcast, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 166: How to Get What You Want From Life

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Let’s talk today about setting our intent. See, so many of us live these chaotic lives, and yet we think we have goals. You want to fall in love. You want to be healthy. You want a great body. You want to be rich.

And yet, we wake up everyday without setting our intentions. And the reality check today is this: you cannot get something out of life unless you ask for it. Unless you set your intentions to get it every day.

That’s how you get what you want from life. Listen to today’s reality check where Brett and I will tell you how to do it. And be sure to subscribe, rate and share this podcast in your podcatcher of choice, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 165: Why Playing Life Hide & Go Seek Is Deadly

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Listen up, folks, because this is a very important podcast: life, God, the universe, whatever you believe in, it’s always throwing lessons at you. The lessons are in the people you date, the mistakes you make on a daily basis.

It’s part of being human. But what separates us are whether we learn from the lessons the first time. Because if we don’t, if we play hide and go seek and run away from the lessons, they keep coming back again and again until they kill us.

And that’s today’s reality check: don’t play life hide and go seek. Subscribe to this podcast, rate it and share it in your podcatcher of choice, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 164: Would You Know Good Music If It Bit You In The Ass?

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Oh man, what a podcast we have in store for you today. I’m recording from Montauk with my friends Brett Parker and Bryan Swerling, and today the topic is music. And we’re going to ask, what is good music, and would you know it if it bit you in the ass?

In this tour de force we’re going to talk about the evolution of music and the music industry, wha can objectively be considered “good music,” which music has stood the test of time, and what someone’s taste in music actually tells you about them.

So join us for a special extended reality check, subscribe to us and rate the podcast in your podcatcher of choice, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 163: Are You Tapping Into Your Childhood Magic?

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I’ll tell you something. My Nephew Nicholas really knows how to live life. For him, everything’s magical. Life is limitless and full of possibilities. But for the rest of us, the “adults,” things are a little different.

Our parents programmed us to see the limits in life, not the limitlessness. We put ourselves in “survival mode,” so focused on getting by that we lose the magic of childhood.

So today’s reality check? Tap into your inner child. Tap into the magic. Tap into the part of yourself that believes and knows life is limitless.

Download, rate and subscribe to the 10 Minute Daily Reality Check in your podcatcher of choice, share this podcast with your friends, and be sure to come back tomorrow for another 10 minutes of radical self-help that doesn’t suck.