10 Minute Daily Reality Check

Join me 7 days a week as I blow the lid off everything you THINK you know about dating, relationships, society, and more.

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Episode 198: I Was Broken Up With… Via Email!

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We are so mean to each other nowadays. And I’ll tell you a story to illustrate that fact: recently, I was broken up via email. Why is this so extreme? Because it wasn’t in person, and it would’ve been different if it had happened in person.

We hide behind our computer screens. We hide behind all our stories and programming and all the shit we have that we refuse to work on. So today, Obi and I are going to talk about how to get over all that shit. How to stand up and actually tell a person how you feel, face-to-face.

So listen to today’s podcast, subscribe to it, rate it in iTunes, share it with someone who’s been broken up via text or email (you DEFINITELY know that person!), and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 197: Planet of the Love Deniers

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Have you ever been in a relationship? Of course you have. But then, when it ends, do you deny all the beauty that was in it? You pretend it didn’t really happen that way. You were imagining it.

I’ve gotta tell you: there’s a world of people doing that. But right now, Obi and I are going to challenge you to have a different mindset. We’re going too challenge you to not deny your history, and to face it in all its beauty and ugliness.

So listen to today’s episode, subscribe to it, rate the podcast and be sure to share this with your friends, because there are so many people who NEED to hear this! And come back tomorrow for another daily dose of radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 196: Get Off the Short Bus of Life

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Do you really want to live? I mean f*cking LIVE? Then Obi and I are here today to tell you: you need to get off the short bus. You need to stop traveling at 15 mph and actually live. Because that’s how I choose to live.

Life is what you make of it. So you can go through it on the short bus. Or, you can go through life in a Ferrari. Or a plane. Or a G6. The choice is yours.

Listen to today’s episode and we’ll tell you all about how to hop off that short bus and onto the G6. Subscribe and rate the podcast, share it, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 195: Are You the Star of Your Life?

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Or are you a secondary character? Just someone in the background? Do you recite inspirational quotes from Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King? Or do you make your own quotes? Do you have your own experiences?

I’ve gotta tell you, being the star of your own life is the only way to live. And today, my guest Obi and I are going to tell you exactly how to do that, so you can stop being the secondary man or woman and become the LEADING man or woman.

So listen to today’s episode, subscribe and rate it, share it with your friends, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 194: Stop Surviving & Start Living

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What are your goals? What do you want in life? Do you want to survive? Or do you want more than just “survival?”

How about f*cking LIVING? How about thriving? How about becoming a king or queen? Why settle for survival – why sell yourself short when you can have so much more?

It’s because you don’t know how to manifest everything you want in life. And that’s exactly what today’s episode is about. Join Obi and me as we tell you how to stop surviving and start living.

Subscribe to the 10 Minute Daily Reality Check, share it and rate it in your podcatcher of choice, and come back tomorrow for another dose of radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 193: I Was Love Bombed…

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Do you know what a love bomb is? It’s when someone is all in a relationship. They’re committed, they’re loving, and then BOOM… they’re out. Just like that. And guess what? I was love bombed recently.

But you know what? I’m okay. And I’m here today to tell you all about it with my good friend Obi, so that you can learn from my experiences, because that’s what the 10 Minute Daily Reality Check is all about.

So listen to today’s episode, subscribe to the podcast, share it and rate it, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 192: Why You Need a Fresh Perspective

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Mentorship. It’s an extremely powerful thing. Of course, my guest Brett and I both have a bit of a bias. We’re in the mentorship business. But, we also see the value of the mentors that WE have.

Because the truth of the matter is, friends are great. You go to them for a helping hand or an ear to listen to you, but they can only give you advice from where they’re at in life. And sometimes that’s not enough. Sometimes, you need a fresh perspective from someone who knows what they’re talking about.

And that’s what we’re going to give you today. So listen to today’s episode, subscribe to the podcast, rate it, share it, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 191: Who You Gonna Call? Stressbusters!

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Na-na-na-na-na-na. Did the Ghostbusters theme song immediately get into your head? Good, because today we’re going to talk about busting an even greater monster that’s tearing the world apart: stress.

Today, I’m joined again by my friend and fellow stressbuster Brett Parker. And we’re going to give you our advice as coaches on why you might be so stressed, and how to eliminate the stressors in your life.

So if you’re someone who wants to eliminate stress from your life, listen to today’s episode. Subscribe to the 10 Minute Daily Reality Check, share it, rate it, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 190: The Best 4 Letter Word Ever

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It’s not shit. It’s not fuck. It’s not even a bad word… but it’s a word we HATE coming out of our mouths.

But it’s a word you need to know by heart. Because this one word contains the key to life, love and happiness. And that word is help, and today, my guest Brett Parker and I are going to teach you how to ask for it.

So listen to today’s reality check, subscribe to it, rate it and share it, and come back tomorrow for another daily dose of radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 189: What are Your Fuckup-isms?

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What are your fuckup-isms, the things you’re not good at? We’ve all got them. Even me. Even my guest Brett. But right now, we’re going to suggest something radical: you need to EMBRACE your fuckup-isms.

Because they’re not things you’re “not good at.” They’re things you’re working on, or learning, or not great at yet. They’re lessons you need to learn and embrace, so do that. Embrace them.

Listen to today’s reality check and tell us about your fuckup-isms. Subscribe to the podcast in your podcatcher of choice, rate it and share it with your friends, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 188: This is Why You’re Not Fully Happy

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If you’re not happy in life, in love, in your career, or in any other aspect of your time here on earth… this podcast is for you. Today I’m joined once again by Brett Parker, and we’re going to tell you exactly why you’re not fully happy… and how to get to that point where you’re fulfilled.

We’re going to talk about self-sabotage and selling yourself short. We’re going to talk about goals and setting your intent. We’re going to reveal the best-kept secrets to living the life of your dreams.

So join us today, listen to the episode and subscribe to the podcast in your podcatcher of choice. Rate us, share this episode with your friends, and be sure to come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 187: We Are All Human Hurricanes

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Thinking this weekend about all that’s going on in Florida, I’m reminded of a simple truth about life: we’re all just hurricanes in our own lives. We blow hot air every once in a while. We have our moments, our days, our weeks.

And just like a hurricane, we can be so destructive. But just like a hurricane, those times in our lives will pass. So what I want you to do today is recognize the times you’ve become a human hurricane. Recognize your triggers, and try to have a little empathy for all the other human hurricanes you come across.

So listen to today’s reality check, subscribe to it and rate it in your podcatcher of choice, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help. And, keep those in Florida and those affected by this hurricane in your thoughts and prayers.