10 Minute Daily Reality Check

Join me 7 days a week as I blow the lid off everything you THINK you know about dating, relationships, society, and more.

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Episode 186: The Worst Feeling in the World

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The absolute worst feeling in the world… is the feeling of getting frozen out. Getting frozen out by someone you thought you were close with. Could be a friend, could be a boyfriend/girlfriend or romantic partner.

It’s the worst feeling because you’ve connected. And then you feel that lack of connection, and the emotional whirlwind of anger and depression and anxiety that comes with it.

Today, we’re going to dive deep into this worst feeling. It’s not going to be your run-of-the-mill 10 Minute Daily Reality Check. It’s a 30+ minute reality check where I’m joined by my great friend and fellow coach Camille Virginia.

So join us today, subscribe to this podcast and rate it, share it, and if you want to learn more about Camille, head on over to https://www.masterofflinedating.com/.

Episode 185: Go Ahead, Sit in Your Anxiety

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Holy shit, it’s the worst feeling in the world. Anxiety sucks, and I don’t think anyone would disagree with that. But then, why do we sit in our anxiety all the time? We get anxious and we sit with it, and don’t do anything about it.

I don’t know about you, but anxiety is so destructive for me that I refuse to sit in it. And my guest Brett Parker feels exactly the same way. So today’s reality check is all about how to take action, and how to NOT sit with your anxiety.

Listen to the episode today, subscribe to the podcast and rate it in your podcatcher of choice, and come back tomorrow for a very special dose of radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 184: Why I Suck at Relationships

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Today my guest Brett Parker and I are going to let you in on a little secret: there’s no such thing as being “great at relationships.” You can only be great at any one specific relationship. Because the person you’re with today is not the person you were with yesterday.

So what relationship advice can I possibly give you? Well, that’s what we’re going to talk about today. We’re going to talk about how to just put it out there, let go of the outcome, and live with an abundant mindset.

Listen to today’s reality check to learn exactly how to do that, subscribe to it and share it with your friends, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 183: The 2 Ugly Sisters… Anger & Anxiety

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Two of the ugliest things in this world are anger and anxiety. And guess what? They’re related. They’re sisters. You feel anxious, so you lash out in anger. You lash out in anger, and you’re overcome with anxiety. It’s a deadly cycle, and worse yet, it’s completely unproductive.

So today’s reality check is all about dealing with those 2 ugly sisters when they come along in your life. I’m going to tell you how to cope with your anger, cope with your anxiety, so you don’t damage your relationships with the people you love.

Listen to today’s episode to learn more, subscribe to and rate this podcast in your podcatcher of choice, share it, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 182: Real Love is One Ugly Mirror

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You and I need to have a little chat today. A little chat about what love really means… and how you self-sabotage and miss out on all the opportunities that life gives you every day to fall in love with your amazing person.

I want you to listen to this podcast today, and tell me if I’m wrong about you. Because I can almost guarantee you’ve sabotaged relationships and kept the limiting mindset I describe here.

So give it a listen, and tell me if I’m wrong. Email me at david@davidwygant.com. And be sure to subscribe to and rate the podcast, share it with your friends, and come back tomorrow for even more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 181: Have You Seen the New Sex App?

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I’m chalk full of amazing ideas for apps, because this is what society has come to. We desperately want everything to be done for us, and we’re too lazy to put in the work. You want six-pack abs? There’s an app for that. You want to fall in love? There’s an app for that. You want to f*ck and get your rocks off? There’s an app for that.

And if there’s not, mark my words. In a year or two, there will be. Unless, we do something. Unless we get out there into the world and start connecting with one another again. I don’t know about you… but I’ll take real sex over some sex app any day.

And if you’re like me, then this reality check is for you. So listen to today’s episode, subscribe to and rate the podcast, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 180: Life is One Big Summer Camp

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There’s no better day than today, Labor Day, for this episode of the 10 Minute Daily Reality Check. Because it’s the end of summer, and kids are about to go back to school. Back from summer camp, where they spent all summer living life just a day at a time.

And today’s reality check is, that summer camp mentality is something we lose as adults. But I’m going to challenge you right now to live life like one big summer camp. No worries about next year or who your teacher is going to be or what class you’ll be in. Just enjoy the moment.

And that’s your special Labor Day reality check. Listen, subscribe and rate us in your podcatcher of choice, share this episode with your friends, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 179: My Day as a Woman

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Let me tell you a true story. A long time ago, I actually walked around New York City and spent the day imagining I was a woman. I read Cosmo and heard all these women telling me I need to lose my body fat. I imagined all the creepy guys staring at me and objectifying me wherever I went.

Now, today I’m going to challenge my male listeners to do the same. Spend a day and really imagine what it’s like for them. And I guarantee you’ll emerge with a new respect for the fairer sex and what life is like for them on a daily basis.

Listen to my experience as a woman in today’s reality check, subscribe to and share the podcast, and come back tomorrow for a special Labor Day session of some radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 178: The Secret to Love: Accepting the WORST in Them

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Love requires acceptance. But it also requires compatibility. If you’re with someone who does something or lives a certain way that you cannot stand… that relationship will not last.

So what I do, and what I encourage you to do starting today, is this: recognize the worst traits in someone, and ask yourself, “Can I live with that?” They chew their nails sometimes, and maybe that’s something you can live with. They’re lazy and refuse to work on themselves and take responsibility, maybe that’s something you CANNOT live with.

That’s what love is. It’s accepting the worst in someone. And that’s what today’s reality check is all about. So listen and subscribe, rate this podcast and share it with your friends, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 177: Is Your Life Story Holding You Back?

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We all have stories. Every single one of us. And we live out our stories. We think in terms of, “I’m this, the men/women I want to date are that.” Those are our stories, and we’ve been living with them for a long time.

And for a long time, they’ve been holding you back. So on today’s episode, Brett and I are going to give you a little bit of homework, and it’s going to help you do the one thing you never thought you could do: change the story. Write your own story, the story that has everything you’ve ever dreamt of.

Listen to today’s reality check to discover how to write your own story, subscribe to it and rate it, share it with your friends, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 176: Don’t Rob the Pooty!

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Rod Tidwell said it best in Jerry Maguire: “Don’t rob the pooty!” And that essentially means, guys, don’t manipulate women. Don’t take advantage of their fragile state. Don’t use and abuse them just for sex. Because they’ve got baggage, and when you rob the pooty, you’re just adding to her stories about how all men are this and all men are that.

Love and appreciate the people who come into your life. Learn the lessons you need to learn from them. That’s today’s reality check.

So listen, subscribe to it, rate it and share it, and come on back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 175: Resistance, Persistence

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Let’s talk relationships. We’ve all been in one that ended badly. You were with someone, they had their faults, you had your own faults, and it didn’t work out.

Then you get in another relationship, and there are still problems. This is what Brett and I call the game of resistance, persistence. See, you’re never going to have that perfect relationship. It’s a game of finding resistance, persisting through it, and repeating the process.

So join us on today’s reality check that’s all about the game of resistance, persistence. Subscribe to the podcast, rate it, share it with your friends, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.