10 Minute Daily Reality Check

Join me 7 days a week as I blow the lid off everything you THINK you know about dating, relationships, society, and more.

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Episode 162: Do You Lack the Manifestation Gene?

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Did you know that you can manifest just about anything you want out of life? If you hate your job, you can manifest a new one. If you’re not satisfied in your relationship, you can manifest a new one.

So the question is, what’s stopping you from manifesting the life you want to be living right now? Is there some kind of genetic deficiency? Can you take a supplement to give you your daily dose of manifestation?

Find out on today’s reality check, recorded today in Montauk with my friend Brett Parker. Subscribe to the podcast and rate it in your podcatcher of choice, share it, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 161: Oh My God! My Boner Died!

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Boners. Viagra. Erectile dysfunction. That’s just some of what we cover in today’s reality check with my great friend Brett Parker. We’re in Montauk and today, we got to thinking about those experiences that every man has had, when he just can’t “perform.”

Why does your boner die? Who or what killed it? Well, that’s what we’re going to figure out on today’s reality check (which also includes a deep, philosophical conversation on dumping at home vs. on the run).

So join us today, subscribe and rate this podcast in your podcatcher of choice, and come on back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 160: Are You a #Hashtag Junkie?

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I’m out to LAX on my way to Montauk today, or as we say nowadays… #LAX #omw #montauk #blessed #excited. Because, for some reason, we can’t say anything without hashtagging it.

I don’t get it. I really don’t. Hashtags are used for searching things on social media. So if you hashtag a picture of your child with #cutestkid, WHY do you even want people to find that?

It creeps me out, and sincerely, please explain it to me if you can find some logic. And do yourself a favor today… try just experiencing your life without the hashtags. Live your life whether or not people are finding you on Instagram.

Listen, subscribe and rate this podcast in your podcatcher of choice, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 159: The Split Concentration Conspiracy

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I’m sitting at a cafe, daydreaming – but wait! Let me check Instagram really quickly! That’s what we’ve become. A society that can’t sit still for one minute, because we’re all snapping, checking in, sharing, commenting, and swiping.

Look, I’m not saying social media is all bad, and neither is my guest John Keegan. But we’ve gotten so wrapped up in the shit that’s not us. We’ve gotten so wrapped up in the world of social media that we can’t concentrate on our own lives, our own development.

It’s all a conspiracy, and we pull the curtain out from this conspiracy on today’s reality check. So join us today, share us, rate us on your podcatcher of choice, and check out my guest John Keegan at https://theawakenedlifestyle.com/.

Episode 158: To Have or Not to Have Kids

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To have, or not have kids. That is the question so many of you ask. And it’s interesting, because I’m a father. But my guest, John Keegan, is not. So today, we’re going to talk about that. We’re going to talk about how we each think of parenthood, how you can look at parenthood, and the things that make up a good parent, if that’s what you desire.

Because remember, no one can tell you which path to take. We’re each on our own individual journeys. There is no “should” or “shouldn’t” when it comes to having kids. There’s just the journey of life.

So join us today, rate and subscribe to the podcast, and check out https://theawakenedlifestyle.com/ to learn more about my guest and great friend John Keegan.

Episode 157: Validation of the Cynics

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You want to know what’s REALLY f*cking sexy? Optimism. Positivity. But the fact of the matter is that people nowadays are so cynical. So negative. They’re always the victim. That’s why they post negative reviews all the time and blame society and the politicians for all their problems.

And you know what? We allow it. We validate it on Facebook all the time. Someone complains and we say, “You tell ’em! You go girl!”

Enough. Today’s reality check is STOP validating the cynics. Listen, subscribe and rate us on your podcatcher of choice, check out my guest John Keegan at https://theawakenedlifestyle.com/, and come on back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 156: How Snickers Satisfies and Kills You

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Hungry? Have a Snickers. That’s what these marketing guys keep telling you. But… what they DON’T tell you is that their Snickers will actually kill you.

Yep. Tally up all the proven side-effects of a high saturated fat, high sugar, high calorie diet. It will kill you… and is the short-term satisfaction really worth that long-term consequence?

Well, that’s today’s reality check. Delay gratification. Your body will thank you for it. Your mind will thank you for it. So listen to today’s episode, subscribe and rate us in your podcatcher of choice, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 155: Don’t Kid Yourself. You Have No Freedom

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I just took my daughter back to school shopping. Yep. One week into August and it’s already back to school. Because nowadays, you go to school 10 months a year. And even after you spend 6 hours in school, you get 2 hours of homework.

What ever happened to free time? We’re really just preparing our kids for their lives as adults, where they’ll be working jobs they hate, spending all their time on their iPhones instead of loving every breath they take.

In America we pride ourselves on being so “free…” but don’t kid yourself. This isn’t freedom. And that’s today’s reality check, so listen, subscribe and rate us on your podcatcher of choice, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 154: Sugar is the New Smoking

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Today I’m going to talk about one of the most dangerous drugs. It looks like cocaine, but it’s everywhere. And it’s called sugar.

I’m back with Eddie Palmer (who knows a thing or two about fitness and nutrition), and the two of us can almost GUARANTEE you don’t know how much sugar you’re actually consuming. And you don’t know how addicted you are to it.

So today’s challenge? If you really don’t think you’re addicted to sugar, try to give it up. And let us know if you’re not going through the shakes within a day or two.

Listen, share and subscribe to 10 Minute Daily Reality Check in your podcatcher of choice, and if you want to get in touch with Eddie and get some really great health advice, you can email him at eddiepalmer12@gmail.com.

Episode 153: Are You Sometimes a Liar?

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Liars… we talk about liars all the time here on the 10 Minute Daily Reality Check. But, there are different types of lies, different types of liars. And what about the lies that are small, harmless, and you only tell sometimes?

Are those the same as the big, constant, pathological lies? Can you sometimes be a liar while still living your authentic truth every day? These are the questions I’ll answer in today’s reality check.

So join us, subscribe, rate us in your podcatcher of choice, and be sure to come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

Episode 152: Spread the Love, Not Your Legs

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So many of us are looking for love. Looking for love, and yet, we refuse to change our actions. We refuse to change our beliefs. And that’s what creates our reality. If you refuse to change, your reality will not change.

I’ve said it thousands of times before: lose your type, find your standards. And that’s what today’s reality check is all about: stop spreading your legs. Instead, spread the love.

Join Eddie Palmer and myself for another great reality check today, subscribe to and rate the podcast in your podcatcher of choice, and if you want to get in touch with Eddie, shoot him an email at eddiepalmer12@gmail.com.

Episode 151: Hot, Horny, Stoned, & Drunk

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I have a confession to make. I am a recovering addict. An oxytocin addict. I used to be ADDICTED to the oxytocin rush of sex and hooking up.

It’s kind of like getting drunk, and that’s why it’s NEVER a good idea to sleep with someone when you’re under the influence (whether that influence is weed, booze, or oxytocin). Hot, horny, stoned, and drunk is never a good combination.

So today’s reality check is all about self-control and owning the truth of your actions. Listen, subscribe and rate the podcast in your podcatcher of choice, share it with your friends, and if you want to get in touch with my guest Eddie Palmer for some great health/nutrition/fitness advice, send him an email at eddiepalmer12@gmail.com.