Pushing Boundaries
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
Let’s talk about pushing boundaries.
Many of you are your own worst coach. I’m a great self-coach. I can coach the hell out of myself and I can push my own boundaries every single day.
Why? Because I coach everyone else for a living! I’m able to recognize my own weaknesses and accept them – and I can recognize that small gains are the way that you push your own boundaries.
Often times I hear men say, “tonight I’m going to go out and I’m going to get three phone numbers.” You haven’t gotten three phone numbers this whole entire year, but tonight you’re going to go out and get three phone numbers in one night? How?
That’s not pushing your boundaries – that’s just trying to be Aaron Rogers and take the Packers to the championship game without ever having thrown a pass. (You can see how I feel about the Brett Favre situation – and no, I’m not a Packers fan, and I think that they are ridiculous – what a battle of egos that is! Let the guy come back and play – he threw 28 touchdown passes this year! Good luck, Aaron Rogers, you’re not going to get more than 17…)
Or it’s like you’re a light-hitting shortstop who has hit one home run the entire season, but you decide tonight that you’re going out there and hitting three. That’s not pushing your boundaries – that’s just not recognizing small victories and gains and accepting them. That’s just being ridiculous.
So how do you push your own boundaries? If you go out there, and you say to yourself, “I haven’t had a conversation with someone of the opposite sex that has lasted longer than 15 seconds,” then to push your boundaries, you need to have a conversation that lasts 20 seconds. The next day: 25 seconds. The day after that: 30 seconds.
You need to push your boundaries and accept the small victories every single day. It’s not about becoming something that you aren’t overnight – it takes a long time to become that powerful, dynamic, social person. It takes a lot of time to become a great conversationalist.
So make a list of the things that you want to accomplish, go out there and accept the small victories. The small victories are what are really important.
Don’t try to win the Superbowl in one night. There is a reason why NFL players are in training camp right now. Why? To practice all of the little things so that they are able to succeed on Sundays.
You can’t beat the odds of life, guys – you just can’t. In life, everything takes practice, hard work, self-motivation and every once in a while, a kick in the ass.
Consider me that kick in the ass. For those of you that have never listened to my products, I really suggest my Men’s Mastery Series – that is almost 13 hours of me kicking your ass the whole time. When you need a little extra push, I’m there to give it to you.
And for those of you who don’t want to reach into your pockets and buy anything, that’s fine. Come back each day and read the blog, and I will give you daily doses of ass-kicking that will help you realize that life is not a sprint – it’s a marathon!
Seattle Bootcamp is kicking into high gear. I love this city and this is an amazing group of guys.
Today we talk all about how to strike up a conversation by the bathrooms.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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Saturday, August 16th, 2008
Saturday, August 16th, 2008
Saturday, August 16th, 2008
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