I’ve said it before, but your iPhone is killing your dating life. In fact, it doesn’t matter if it’s an iPhone, an Android, or something else. If it’s a mobile device, it’s stopping you meeting men. I’m about to paint a picture I see every day in America and all over the world.

There’s a woman, and she’s on her own. It could be in the line in Starbucks, waiting for a friend at a restaurant, or standing in the grocery story. It could even be in an elevator. In that present moment, instead of looking around, and seeing all the people near you, (especially that handsome guy who’s been looking at you for ages) you look down at your mobile phone, and go off somewhere!

With your fantastic 4 megabytes of data, or your unlimited rollover minutes, you looked at your texts, Facebook, or Twitter, and ignored everything around you. You looked at everything other than the man trying to connect with you. You do it everywhere you go on your own. You look at your phone as if it’s protecting you from the big bad wolf.

What your phone is really doing is just protecting you from the dating life you want.  So you go home and you get on the apps, Tinder, Hinge, OkCupid or Match, and spend countless hours safely looking through men’s profiles, and we know how that goes.

You look through all the profiles, by the time you finally meet somebody, he doesn’t look anything like you thought he did, or he’s nothing like the guy who wrote well in e-mails. He’s nervous, he’s not the guy you want, but every single day you’re ignoring men everywhere you go.  Today’s video is an awakening.

It’s literally a wakeup call.  It’s how to meet men using your iPhone, (Or not using your iPhone.)

I would like you to pass this video along to all your friends, and I want you to be a little more conscious of what you do with your phone. I want you to look around and see how you do this on a regular basis. I want you to look around and really be more aware of your actions – or lack of actions. I want you to start doing this right away.

Watch today’s video and take some notes. Understand that the perfect guy, that serendipitous moment is probably happening without you even being present to it.  That’s right, the men you’ve been desperate to meet and fall in love with have been right under your nose, except you didn’t see them because you were looking at your phone!