Women in heelsI had a great “Dear David” question from a lady the other day. I’m going to share it with you, and it’s interesting because it’s about something we haven’t covered for a long time; style and fashion!

So, here’s her question and my answer below…

“Dear David,

I have a style question for you. I’m 46 years old, (I know that doesn’t matter) I’m 5’11’’ and I enjoy wearing high heels. I also have great posture from doing years of yoga, so I probably appear even taller than I am. I’m wondering if this is something that might be putting men off me. Would I be better wearing flats around men? Am I thinking too much into this? Do men really freak out about taller women?”

David says…

Well, personally I’m not a fan of women in heels. I’m 6’3’’ so I’m pretty tall anyway, but I admit I don’t always get that turned on by women who are taller than me. I like to be able to wrap my arms around a woman. I like to be able to pick her up and hold her. I don’t want her to be my equal physically.

Here’s the thing though…

When it comes to size, everyone is different. What some men find attractive, others won’t. You can’t generalize. There isn’t a standard answer to this question I’m afraid. What I would say is why not play it safe?

Wear boots. Boots are cool. They normally have a shorter heel. Not just that, but most men find boots extremely sexy on a woman. Then once you’re talking to a man you can ask him outright whether he likes women in high heels or not.

There’s no reason you can’t ask men questions like this when you’re getting to know them. If you find a guy who loves women in heels then you can crack them out your wardrobe then. In the meantime, stick with flats or boots, that way you’re covering your bases. Men like to feel like they can dominate a woman. Not in an aggressive way obviously, but it’s more of a natural instinct thing. Like I say, I’m not super attracted to women who are taller than I am, but I’d never say I’d never date a tall woman. You never know who you’re going to fall in love with.  I think it’s a kinesiology thing. It just doesn’t feel quite right. I’d love to hear the opinions of guys and gals on this one!

Heels, flats, or boots?