Men, here is the greatest exercise you can possibly do: go to a chick flick on a Saturday night and sit behind three women.

Don’t watch the movie; just listen to the movie and watch them.

When the leading character screws up – because that’s what we do, we don’t say what we should have, and we screw up. It’s the Hugh Grant moment where he realizes, why didn’t I tell her that I loved her at that moment? He’s just sitting there with his friends at a pub, and he realizes it.

And then he sees her out, and he still can’t tell her. When he finally goes and does it, watch the women’s reaction. Forget about watching the actors on screen; watch the reactions of the women in front of you.

Watch the way they sink down into their seats and almost sigh. Why do they do this?

Because all they want is for somebody to do that to them.

Every time I’ve ever been with a woman, I’ve had to claim her. Women will make it difficult, and they will test you. They will test you to make sure that you can be 100% vulnerable with them.

She tells you that she broke up with her boyfriend of two years and she called you. Now she’s sitting in front of you, looking into your eyes and telling you how hot everything is. You have to grab her right then and say, “ I have been thinking about you for the last year,” and just spit it out.

Many guys will try to avoid sounding needy. That doesn’t sound needy – it’s the truth! Speak the truth. You can stand behind the truth, and you’ll never have to backtrack.

You should never have to regret not doing something: I should have done this or I should have done that. That shoulda-woulda-coulda game will kill you. You want to eliminate the shoulda-woulda-couldas from your life entirely.

Don’t think, I should have done this, I could have done that. Some guys at the end of a bootcamp tell me, “I should have done this a year ago!” No, you weren’t ready. There’s that old saying, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” You just weren’t ready, and that’s okay.

I probably should have bought a house in 2002 when they were dirt-cheap. I had the money to pay the mortgage and loans were certainly easier to get. But I just wasn’t educated enough and I didn’t do it. Now I’m paying double for it.

You pay for your lessons a few years down the road. It might be in lost time, but it doesn’t matter. You did it when you did it. Don’t worry about the time that you didn’t do it – just do it now! There is never going to be “perfect” timing for anything.

I had one guy tell me he was going to wait for a while to do a bootcamp. What are you waiting for? Just do it! Make the decision and do it. Do it, own it, and be okay with it.

It’s all about being vulnerable. You don’t think I’m vulnerable? I have 210 videos on YouTube, and the shit that people write under those videos…

It’s at the point now that sometimes when I do a video that will be posted on YouTube, I will even look at the camera and say to them, “alright you people who think that this is funny or those of you who don’t understand try to open your mind!”

I put myself out there every single day. I write, I post videos – and these videos are often shot in my house, sometimes I’m even stuttering.

In response to a video I posted called “How to Appear Confident When Meeting Women,” some guy today wrote, “David, you’re so wrong. How to APPEAR confident? You have to BE confident to meet women!”

No, if you have no confidence, you have to fake that confidence first. He missed the point of the entire video, and he was giving me a lecture.

I love people who don’t want to post their profile on “oh my god, what if someone sees me?” Great, then they can walk up to you and ask you, “aren’t you on” and you can have an opening conversation!

You want to expose yourself. If you’re not 100% vulnerable in life, the day you die you’ll have a flashback and realize, holy shit, what have I missed?

When you die, you don’t want to feel like you’ve missed anything. You want to celebrate your life and everything you’ve done. Death is a celebration of your life and the things you’ve accomplished. When people say that a person died too early, that just means that the person didn’t do enough stuff.

We all die. Death and taxes, right? We can manipulate and cheat the tax system throughout our adult lives – the system is set up for entrepreneurs! We have so many write-offs that the rest of you don’t have, but we still do have to pay something.

Death is really the only thing that you can’t cheat – but life is what most people cheat.

So if you don’t go to sleep with a smile on your face every night, you’re doing something wrong. I don’t know about you guys, but when I go to sleep, I can’t wait for the morning. I hate mornings, but I can’t ever wait for it.

Some nights I don’t want to go to bed. If it’s two o’clock in the morning, I ask myself why I have to go to bed – I just want to keep living!

Of course, you need to recharge your batteries at night, but I can recharge during the day. You see me check out for five minutes every now and then, I take little catnaps in my head. I go into my own little world for a bit and rest. I don’t hear anything or see anything when I’m in me-world. It’s great.

But sometimes when you go to bed, you think, oh man, what am I missing?

It’s a good thing that there is not much going on in the world between about 3:00 am and 9:00 am. I go to bed at about two and I wake up at nine.

Every night when you go to bed, you want to think, what were my wins today? What did I do? How did I live my life to the fullest?

This ride is amazing. When you really embrace it, it’s the most amazing thing.

Life is the best gift you can give anybody. When my birthday comes, people always ask what they can get me, and I say, “nothing.” I don’t ever want to get gifts from anyone. (It’s July 1st, in case anyone wants to get me a… just kidding!)

I don’t ever want a material gift, because the best gift is just spending time with people. I usually like to spend the day by myself on my birthday. I like to walk the beach with my dog, hang out and don’t do shit.

Anyway, you want to celebrate life every day, and you don’t want to cheat life. Don’t ever cheat yourself. If you cheat yourself, you’re missing out on so many opportunities.

When I was in London doing a bootcamp, I was supposed to go up to the country to spend a few days with friends, but plans changed at the last minute!

So I was like, bummer, man, I’m stuck in London for three days! Oh, that sucks. Too bad for me. There’s so much to do there, and there are so many people to have fun with. I had to find another hotel room, but oh, that was certainly tough to do in a city!

My whole plans changed at the last minute, and I was digging it. I just thought, oh great – three more days to explore London? That’s awesome!

London is kind of like a second home for me now; I’ve spent two weeks there this year, and I’ve been coming twice a year. I’m learning the city and I’m so comfortable there now. Nothing is new anymore, but it is still all there for me.

Todays video is all about body language and not being so stiff when talking to women.

Enjoy your Saturday!!