You Have To Be Love To Find Love
Why does dating seem so hard? How are you supposed to meet and flirt with men? Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!
How do you find love? Is it something you uncover under the mattress?
Is it like trying to find a four leaf clover? For some people, it actually is about as difficult as finding a four leaf clover.
Love starts in many different ways.
Love is something you don’t just find; it is something you cultivate inside.
In order to find love, you need to be love.
What do I mean by be love?
There’s something that I really truly believe, and it’s called the power of self-love.
How to Experience the Power of Self-love
It’s about loving yourself fully so then you show up every single day as love.
It’s about letting go of all the anger and past disappointments.
It’s letting go of all the things that happened to you with your ex or exes.
Love is something that we have at our disposal every single day. You see, in order to find love, you need to love yourself and you need to go out every single day and practice love. Everybody you see, everybody you come into contact with, you need to love them with all your heart and soul.
I’m not telling you you need to walk up to the mail carrier and give them a big hug and tell them how much you love them, but you need to treat people with love. You need to have compassion for all the people that are around you. Even people that cut you off in traffic or annoy you. Because in order to find love, you need to radiate love from inside all the time.
This is, I think, something that a lot of people have difficulty doing. Love is such a beautiful thing, it’s something that we all crave, but so many of us don’t really know how to get it, and it all starts from giving it.
Find Love by Being Love
One of the daily practices I have is making the decision to be love. Every day, I make that decision.
All the people that I run into, I make sure that I am giving the best of me every single day. I’m showing compassion and warmth to people that come into my life.
I’m treating kids beautifully, I’m laughing, I’m smiling, because I know if I shine with love every single day, I’ll attract love into my life. If I’m full of anger and despair and disappointment, I’m going to attract people that are full of anger and despair and disappointment.
Today’s video is all about love. Love is really all we need in life. The Beatles sang it, and so many other people say it and believe it. Love is all we need. It is something that we all need to share and become.
Because in order to have love, as you will see in today’s video, you need to be love. Being love is a beautiful thing. Showing love, radiating love, just connecting with people on that level is something that we all need to practice every single day. All right, that’s it. Watch the video.
Why does dating seem so hard? How are you supposed to meet and flirt with men? Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!
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