The Number One Reason Why Men Suddenly Lose All Interest
Why does dating seem so hard? How are you supposed to meet and flirt with men? Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!
You’re all familiar with the term ghosting, right?
For those of you who don’t know what ghosting is, let me explain it to you very quickly.
You’re dating somebody.
He’s pretty good at texting. Yes, I know, you wish he was better at calling, but anyway you’re getting the right amount of text love.
He’s following up pretty often and then all of a sudden, out of the clear blue, he vanishes. He’s literally ghosting you. He becomes Casper, but he’s no longer friendly.
It’s like a hot summer night and all you’re hearing is crickets and you’re wondering what went wrong.
Why He’s Ghosting You
So, you get the posse together, the group of friends that you hang out with, and you go out one night for a couple of glasses of wine. You’re confused. You need your friends’ help. So, you start to play the speculation game. You ask every one of your friends why they think he vanished, why he lost interest so suddenly.
You’re looking for the answer. You start thinking about something he said or did, or something you said or did and you’re trying to find that one particular thing that he didn’t like. It seemed like on the surface everything was going really well.
Well, I could tell you why I ghost and why other men do it. And you may not like the answer at all, but it’s going to be a very truthful answer. But, maybe, it’s going to be an answer that you can deal with. It’s going to save you a lot of money and aggravation because you won’t need to go out with your friends and consume bottles of wine anymore trying to find the answer.
It’s going to save you a lot of time and heartbreak. Instead of sitting around, waiting and wondering if he’s going to get back to you and missing the opportunity to date other men, you’ll be able to go out there and get on with it. You’ll be able to realize that the reason why this man suddenly vanished and disappeared is because he met somebody else.
I’m going to repeat that again so you see it in big, bold letters.
He Met Somebody Else.
He met someone else that interested him more.
He met somebody else that he just wants to pursue because in reality, as much as you thought that this man was totally into you, he wasn’t.
If you had sex with him, you had sex with him. If you didn’t sleep with him, great. Either way, you can’t beat yourself up because it isn’t going to make a difference. He isn’t doing anything different than what you have probably done to many men, except it sucks to be ghosted.
How many times have you ghosted a man because you met somebody different or you just didn’t feel it anymore?
He Lost Interest, Now Move On
We’re never going to have the full-on explanation. The bottom line and the truth is he met someone else or he’s just not that into you anymore.
I could sit here and write another 500 words and take up more of your valuable time. We could overanalyze this, we could even set up a coaching call and talk about everything that you did, that he did and we can review every detail. But, the bottom line is, it just didn’t feel right to him.
Yes, it sucks that this man has just disappeared in today’s chicken shit world of texting and running away, but hell, even in the good old days, people were ghosting people. Now it just hurts more because you can actually review the texts and do a recap of the whole relationship. But the bottom line is, men and women have been blowing each other off for thousands and thousands of years. Ghosting is the new term, but it’s an old trick.
So don’t get in your head. Let it go as quickly as possible because there are other men out there who really want to meet the spectacular you. That’s all you need to do. Let it go. That’s the mindset you need to have, and that’s the way you need to live your life.
Why does dating seem so hard? How are you supposed to meet and flirt with men? Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!
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Tuesday, July 12th, 2016