Shy ManAll right ladies, listen up. What I’m about to share with you is the best damn piece of dating advice you’ll ever get in your life. Once I hand you this nugget of greatness you’ll start to understand why men are so tired of approaching you. It’s all because of the biggest dating mistake women make over and over again.  

Let’s paint a common scenario so you can picture yourself there right now. You’re in a supermarket, a coffee shop, or the gym. Whichever one you’re most likely to be in. Some guy walks over and starts talking to you. He breaks the ice well, you smile, you laugh together, and you share a nice moment. After a while, he musters up the nerve to ask you on a date.

You give him your number and you part ways. Later that day he actually calls or texts you. What do you do? You ignore his calls and you ignore his texts. Why? Because you never wanted to go out with him in the first place. I’ve seen this happen thousands of times, and I get emails from guys about it every day of the week. A man finally gets the courage to ask a woman out and she flakes on him.

Once this happens to a guy a few times, when he sees a woman he thinks to himself, “I don’t want to put myself out there again. What’s the point when they all just flake on me? It happens all the time.”

So now we have this stand-off happening between the sexes. It’s a vicious cycle. Guys won’t approach anymore because they’re afraid you’ll reject or flake on them, and women won’t approach men because they assume it’s down to the men to make all the running. Now we have millions of people sat at home every night canvassing the dating sites looking for someone to date. Either that, or they’re going out with friends going through the same routine all over again.

Something needs to change and it’s going to have to start with you and all your friends. So, what I want you to do, is share this post with all of your friends. Spread the word, and let’s try and get things moving again. The next time a guy walks over, flirts with you and asks you out, you’re going to be honest with him from the start. If you’re not attracted to him, tell him there and then.

Just tell him you’re seeing someone, or you’re not into dating right now. It doesn’t matter what excuse you make, just don’t give him your phone number and then totally ignore the guy. It’s rude. The guy goes home all excited because he met you. He’s already planning where he’s going to take you on a date.

He’s really pleased with himself, and you’re at home knowing full well you’re not going to see him again. Tell him you’re not interested up front, and he just moves on and forgets about you. When you give men your number and then blow them off you’re smashing their confidence. It’s one of the reasons guys become terrified to approach women. It’s time to stop the vicious cycle in its tracks, and it all starts with not leading men on. Don’t do it. It’s not fair and you lose out in the end. By the way, I kick the guy’s butts in exactly the same way. This is your ass-kicking today!