how men thinkIn today’s blog, I’m going to give you an important insight into the way a man’s mind works, and reveal a deadly mistake women normally make when communicating with a man. I have a new email client who’s started a monthly program with me personally coaching her. (By the way, personal coaching is a great way for you to really break through your barriers and fears.)

In her first email she says, “Gosh David I have so many things I need to talk to you about. I have about 10 things on my mind. I want to sort everything out while I can.”

I wrote back to her letting her know we have to take it one issue at a time. That way we can focus on each problem properly, and come up with the best solution for it. We can dive deeper into the subject, and start peeling back the layers of the onion.

When you throw 10 things at a man all at once, he’s not going to be able to help you. That’s not how our mind works. We like to process things one at a time. Many times I see women throwing 10 issues all once at a guy, because that’s how YOUR brain works. Women are great mult-taskers, men not so much.

Women can process several things at once. Your mind thinks 3 steps ahead. A man likes to find a solution to each problem before he moves on to the next thing.

If you want to discuss things with a man and get a result, don’t bring 10 issues to the conversation all at once. You’ll overwhelm his brain. He can’t multitask as you can. You need to bring him one thing at a time and work through each thing until you have a solution.

Work through each item, and watch what happens.

Your communication with men will get so much better. It will be far more solution orientated, and you’ll start to fix things far easier than before.

It’s all about understanding men. It’s all about thinking the same way we do. It’s about connecting with him in his language. Give me one thing to deal with at a time and I’ll help you as best I can. Save your circular talks with 15 things going on for your friends who can keep up with you. Keep it simple with men and you’ll get so much further with us.

Try it. I guarantee just this tiny tweak in the way you communicate with us will make a huge difference to your relationships.