Jacob Is Our Leader – Anyone For Hoops?
Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
Yesterday I took a little two hour break in the middle of the day to watch the season finale of Lost. If you haven’t seen it yet, do not read what I’m about to write.
I can’t believe that their leader is the same as ours – Jacob – or that when they killed Jacob they also killed Yakub. For those of you who didn’t know before where he lives, he lives in a foot.
How is Locke dead and alive at the same time. Also, poor Sawyer! He finally finds love . . . only to have it slip through his fingers.
I’ll be coaching the Bootcamp this weekend. For the rest of you who want to meet women, I suggest you grab a basketball, head to the park and play this great new game.
Remember when you were a kid, and you and your friends used to go out on a late summer day (when the sky was still blue and the sun was not as blazing hot), and you challenged your friends to a fun game of Horse?
Do you remember challenging your friends to a game of Horse? It’s a game played with a basketball where you had to spell out the letters H-O-R-S-E, and the loser would probably get a noogie or a dead-leg or something. It was fun tossing the ball into the hoop and doing some male bonding.
I mentioned this old game to a female friend of mine, who suggested that an adult version of this kid classic might be pretty fun. Instead of calling it Horse, though, you’d call it “Whore.”
She suggested that to play Whore, the object would be to spell it — W-H-O-R-E. Instead of a noogie, the loser becomes the other person’s whore for the night, and would have to perform anything sexual that the winner wants. Now there’s a good date!
Another version of this game could be called “Strip Whore,” and could be a closer version to the original. When you’re playing this version, make sure you do it late at night and in your own backyard. Play it just like Horse with the basketball, except as each person spells out a letter they must remove an article of clothing. It’s going to get really hard to concentrate on your shots after a few letters are spelled out.
Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
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Friday, May 15th, 2009
Friday, May 15th, 2009
Coach Jacob
Friday, May 15th, 2009
yours howe
Friday, May 15th, 2009
Friday, May 15th, 2009
Friday, May 15th, 2009
Friday, May 15th, 2009
Sunday, May 17th, 2009
Khiem (DW Coach)
Monday, May 18th, 2009