You’re dating a great guy. Things seem to be moving along nicely, but then all of a sudden he puts the brakes on because he needs space.


There’s nothing more scary or challenging or nerve-racking than when a man comes back and tells you he needs space.

There are all these warning signs that are going on out there. You notice he’s backing away but he comes up with a simple excuse; he tells you he’s busy this week at work.

But even being busy, the texts are shorter.

They’re no longer playful.

The calls are not happening at all and you can just feel that something is going wrong in this relationship right away.

What usually happens is you ask him.

You get up the nerve after having a pow-wow with one of your friends. Maybe you go out to brunch with a group of your friends and you ask them their opinion and they clearly give it to you.

You circle talk the conversation for a few hours because you’re upset. You go over and over why men can’t commit. And at the same time, you check your phone constantly to see if he texted you because you have it on silent.

Your heart skips a beat every time you see a text come in because you’re hoping it’s him. Or maybe you’ve actually put a direct text. That’s when you have a unique ring or a unique buzz for his text.

Then Come the Excuses

He comes up with some man excuses.

He tells you he needs to focus on his career right now, and work is really stressing him out.

He tells you that a family issues has come up; his son is having some issues and he needs to spend some extra time with him.

He might tell you he’s going through some other family things, maybe his brother is going through something and he needs to be there.

He comes up with excuses or he becomes Mr. Passive-Aggressive.

And he actually blames it on you.

He tells you that you’re not ready for a relationship right now because of the things that are going on in your life.

I love when a man does that, when a man blames it on you. He’s blaming it on you because he doesn’t have the balls to talk about it to tell you how he’s really feeling; which by the way, is a huge warning sign.

This tells you that the future with him is going to be full of conversations where he will not be able to express his true feelings, and he’ll literally be blaming everything on you. You’ll be dating Mr. Passive-Aggressive.

So the wonderful thing about this is that you’re learning about his personality right now.

What You Can Learn When He Says He Needs Space

Another great thing about this is you’re learning about a man’s communication skills. When things start to get hard, when he gets stressed out, what does he do?

He retreats into the man cave. When a man pushes you away, he’s retreating into the cave called the man cave.

When he starts to retreat like this, he’s telling you that whenever anything goes wrong or life starts to get a little, well iffy, or a little stressful, he’s going to pull back on you. He’s showing you his future communication skills.

So what do you do in this situation? What do you do when this happens? First off, you should take it as an a-ha moment.

I know it’s nerve-racking and scary when a man says this. But the way I look at it, most of the time you’re getting early warnings signs of a man that can’t fully commit to somebody who is amazing and as beautiful as you.

And when that happens, instead of getting so upset, you need to move on and start thinking to yourself, well maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t the man you thought he was. And the universe is actually giving you a beautiful lesson here that you can move on from and find somebody else.

Check out today’s video for a lot more exciting new tips. And share this with all your friends so the next time you have a circular conversation, about some guy that’s pulling back, you’ll all have a better understanding of what men are thinking and why they’re doing it.