You’ve Been Abducted!
By David Wygant

Let’s have some fun today.

Look out your window and pretend that there’s a big dark Suburban sitting out there waiting to take you to a deserted island in the South Pacific. This is neither Jack Bauer protecting you from some evil espionage, nor is this LAX Shuttle Express taking you to Los Angeles International Airport.

The island you’re going to is set up for only two people. The only thing you are going to have on this island is a shack with a bed. You will have enough food to survive for thirty days, and you will have a cell phone so that you can call your Mom.

The only thing you have to bring is someone you meet that day. In fact, you have just six hours to find the perfect stranger with whom to spend thirty days. Think for a second about this.

You need to find someone with whom you get along, because the cell phone provided to you on this island has no battery recharge. So if you don’t like whomever you’ve decided to take along, you’re in for a LONG thirty days.

So how would you go about finding this person? Most people cannot meet people in a six hour time frame.

To top it off, this six hour window you’re being given is between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm on a weekday. Has panic struck you yet?

• What are you going to do?
• Where are you going to go?
• Where are all the people to meet between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm in the middle of the week?
• What happens if you meet only one person, and it’s someone to whom you are not attracted and with whom you do not get along?

This is interesting. The other day when I asked all of you in my blog to tell me what topics you would like me to blog about, a reader asked me to talk about how to meet people during the week if you work weekends.

One way to meet people is to pay attention to everything that is around you. You are not the only one who is out in the middle of the day. I mean, when you’re in the grocery store do you hear over the loudspeaker “Attention everyone! Please vacate the store because Mike needs to do private shopping!”

Do you think if you only had only six hours to meet somebody that you would take action instead of always waiting? It seems like most people will wait for the perfect moment to talk to someone. Each minute you wait turns into another day you wasted.

If you had six hours to find someone with whom to spend thirty days on a deserted island, don’t you think you would go to the most crowded places in your town or city and start talking to everyone?

So why would it take being abducted by aliens in a black Suburban whisking you away to a desert island to get you to start interacting with people in a way that you should be doing every single day? Try this today!

When you’re out and about – whether you’re running your errands, getting coffee, or getting your lunch – start chatting up people. Stop worrying about what to say . . . and just start talking! I personally guarantee that if you start chatting up people wherever you go, that people will start walking up to you and chatting you up.

So instead of being forced to wear a sign in front of the local Wal*Mart that says “Come with me to a desert island – I only have twenty minutes to decide,” you’ll actually get to choose a person you WANT to bring with you.

That desert island is really in your head, and inside your head you’re alone with your thoughts. It’s those thoughts that are sabotaging your mind and your ability to meet people.

You are already alone on that desert island. Why not invite someone to play with you?

Today’s video is all about how to get her attention when walking by her on the street. I suggest all women to watch this as well the advice will work both ways.