Today you will be meeting Jay M another guy who is going to be coached live on the blog. He is going to tell you all everything about him in this post and will really need everyones support over the next 6 weeks.

He is going to go through a personal bootcamp with me.

You will hear him on audio and see him on video.

Click here to find out more about what Jay is going to experience over the next 6 weeks.

Enjoy and let me introduce you to Jay M.

How’s it going guys? My name I will not reveal, but you can call me Jay M. (nowhere near my real name). I was born and raised in Long Island, NY. I am a college student and have had mixed success in the dating world. Throughout high school I was a little chubby, which made me very self conscious, so I didn’t approach random girls. I just kind of kept the dating within my social circle. When I came to college I got into a relationship real fast (not the best idea), but I really loved her. I was with her for almost two years and she broke up with me one day out of the blue. I was pretty much devastated. I started working out and running heavily and lost about 30 pounds. This made me feel a lot more confident, but I still didn’t have the skills to go out and talk to women (I will cover my sticking points in my next blog). I have had a bunch of flings and fun stuff like that, but my problem is I am very picky when it comes to girls that I want to keep around longer then a few days/ have a normal relationship with. This is just the tip of the iceberg. You guys out there will be getting to know me very well.

First, I have severe approach anxiety. I used to be a chubby kid, but always very social. My motto when it came to women was that all good things would pretty much fall into my lap. Fortunately, that did work for awhile. I had a few great relationships with good looking women, a bunch of flings, but nothing that I had actually pursued. Obviously I got tired of that, which is why I am here today. I am now a lot more fit, but most recently I had a girl friend of almost two years and she broke up with me. That was pretty devastating and I know a lot of you guys have experienced this before, but it’s time to get out of that funk. Approaching women was very stressful because I didn’t like to bother women during the day when they were shopping or eating or doing anything besides drinking alcohol and dancing. You are about to learn differently.

Secondly, I found closing very stressful. I could never find a good transition from good conversation and banter to asking them for their number to get together another time. I always thought it was very corny to ask a girl for their number. It’s like all the big macho guys have the girls giving them their number, the regular guys just get a number when they get “lucky”, and the nerdy guys are too nervous to ask or put themselves in a position to get then number. I would always imagine going up to a girl having a retarded, small talk conversation with her and saying, “can I have your number?” in the most outward uncomfortable way. And if she wasn’t extremely physically attracted to you, then it would just make for another extremely awkward situation that I hated to be in.

The first step, as in any program that is supposed to help you is to admit you have a problem and then figure out what stages you get stuck on. That sounds cliché alcoholics anonymous, but AA pretty much laid the ground work for all other self-help programs Haha. Anyways, it’s a process guys. Once you work out these sticking points, you’ll find others and the cycle keeps going on and on and on, until you become a master. You guys will be with me every step of the way so sit back and enjoy the ride and great advice.

Todays video will double your dating success and teach you the real rules of the game when it comes to escalating instant sexual tension.