Encounters of the Ex Kind By Sean The Intern

Before we dive into the interns and the progress they have been making let me give you another sneak peek into next Wednesday's amazing conference call about sexual mastery.

Today and every Friday is intern coaching day. Follow my 2 interns Sean and Jay as they try to advance there way through the dating world.

Each week I will be posting audio coaching in the blog comments section to help them through the weekend.

Without anymore fanfare heres Sean.

Thanks David.

I recently had a very interesting night at my ex-girlfriend’s apartment. Before you start jumping to all kinds of conclusions, let me give you a bit of the back-story.

We broke up a little over a year ago when I started my semester abroad, and she started seeing another guy very soon after that. I on the other hand, was not able to have any sort of rebound relationship, which at first turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It really gave me a chance to reflect on my life and appreciate my newly regained independence. However, it has been over a year now, and in that time I still have not gotten past 2nd base with a girl I was interested in. Understand a little better why I’m so passionate about getting good at this area of my life?

Anyway, so my ex invited me to a party she was throwing at her place. Every time I attended such parties in the past I always turned out to be the life of the party. I would meet at least a dozen new people, and make some kind of connection with at least 1 or 2 girls I was interested in. Not a bad time right? Fortunately this party was no different in that regard. What was different however, was how my ex behaved towards me throughout the evening.

As it turned out, she got a little drunk, but interestingly enough it’s at times like these that she tends to speak her mind. That made things particularly puzzling when she openly and audibly said to me: “you were such a better boyfriend than John.” Even though she said it in a joking tone, there was clearly some truth to it. Talk about a strange thing to say in front of her current boyfriend!

She continued to talk about how it has been a while since she’s made out with a girl. Soon she began asking Samantha (the girl I was talking to for the 2nd half of the night) if she wanted to make out with her. It was clear to me that more than anything else, my ex was not only trying to get attention, but she was also attempting to regain some of the control that I had over the environment.

The most memorable moment of the night for me however, was when I was sitting on the sofa with Samantha, having a nice conversation and my ex sat down next to her and started talking to me. She told me “I know I’m drunk and you’re sober but we really need to talk.” I essentially ignored her and kept talking to Samantha, which seemed to work because pretty soon she gave up and started walking away. At the time I was reading Samantha’s palm (a skill which I have only recently developed, yet always seems to be a big hit at parties), and so when my ex got up to walk away, she stopped to whisper in my ear: “you’re reading my palm next.” Apparently, seeing me with other girls had sparked significant feelings of jealousy.

Believe it or not, my main question is not about how to deal with ex-girlfriends, because quite frankly I think I handled the situation very well :), but rather how to follow up with girls that I feel a mutual connection with.

So by this point in the evening most of the other guests had left the party, and pretty soon it was down to only 5 of us: Samantha and her friend, my ex and her boyfriend, and myself. Before Samantha left I discovered that we had a mutual fascination with birds. So when I got her number I told her that we would have to go bird watching sometime. She seemed quite excited about that, and she even said she would like to come over to my apartment to see my crazy souvenirs from my semester abroad.

I called her the next day and said “so when are we going bird watching?” She suggested the next day, but I told her I was probably going skiing, and we could do it a day or two later. I called her 2 days later and she never answered the phone. I didn’t want to start chasing after her, and so unfortunately that turned out to be the end of our interaction.

Roughly around the same time, I noticed on facebook that she was listed as being “in a relationship.” She never once mentioned a boyfriend though…is that why she didn’t answer my phone call? How should I handle situations like these when I discover that the girls have boyfriends? But more importantly, what is the best way to follow up and arrange the next meeting? Thanks a lot!!!