10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

I think I’m going to start calling this podcast “10 Minutes of Truth” because that’s how I’m feeling today.
Do you truly want the freedom to be whoever it is you want to be?
How many times you say you want this freed?
You say you want to be thin and you talk about it over and over again, but then you find something you want to eat that you shouldn’t. Then you eat it.
And after, you give yourself a pep talk. “That’s the last time I’m ever going to do that!”, you say.
Pep talks are usually given after a slip-up. It’s impulse control
We do this in many aspects of our lives. Think of all the pep talks we give ourselves after every fuck up.
It’s patterns all the time. I do this in trading.
We delude ourselves by saying, “This is the last time.”
We cover it all up with fantastic words to make ourselves feel better over and over again.
If we keep covering up our actions, we miss the lesson. So we should get angry at ourselves.
We allow our impulses to set us back further and then we cover it up.
We need to own up to it so we can learn from our mistakes.
We need to call ourselves out on our bullshit or we’re going to do it again.
Only you is stopping you. Only you is getting in your way.
We need to admit that we fuck up because it’s a really great thing to do.
Nike doesn’t say “Just Do It Mediocrely”
Nike says, “Just Do It.”
Let’s get out of our own ways so we can achieve our goals.
Just a thought.
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