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If any of you remember a vlog from a couple weeks ago, we talked about something I call “Verbal Batting Practice“.
VBP is essentially a warm-up exercise I tell my clients to use when getting comfortable talking to people.
Below is Part Two of the Verbal Batting Practice series.
And in this video we take our exercises to the stores of London.
Watch and enjoy:
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
About David
1.7 million men & women come to me every month to find the secrets to success. And after 20 years of coaching, I’ve discovered the golden keys to success in dating, business, health and wellness, and life.
I’ve helped millions of men and women around the globe achieve success in their dating, social and personal lives. I’m also a father to the world’s cutest little girl, and I am an unapologetic man. Some say I’m nuts, others say I’ve changed their life forever. One thing’s for certain: I’ll always give you the truth, whether you can handle it or not. I never sugar coat anything.
Nice is so overrated. I’d prefer brutally honest breakthrough to a “nice” rut any damn day of the week. If you’re the same way, then you've come to the right place.
"My grandmother comitted suicide today, but that's ok"..
David cracks me up.. I want to go to a bootcamp SO BAD just because of the random, ridiculous, shit that David says. Lol.
Hey David, Great Video! :)
Seeing you and David go out and doing exactly what I've been trying to do for the last year and not getting responses every time has really helped me because at times I wondered whether I was doing something wrong because women weren't always responding but I've realised now that women aren't always going to respond to you.
Thank you David!
If you pick up a freakin' basket and throw a couple things in it, you will have a lot better luck. Select a couple of ladies you may be interested in, or, if there are none, just do a couple of exercises and try to do it really good. You can't just stomp around yelling good morning to everyone in the store. They all think you are some sort of nut, when they here you running around saying good morning to every single person in the store with no purpose.
Bob, you are very right. The store manager will keep an eye on you, that's for sure. The problem with this exercise is that you loose all connection with reality. It is a much better idea to walk into the store, slowly, relaxed, and just pay attention to what vibe people emit. Women notice when you check them out, they really do, and they give you subtle hints if they are interested. If you pick up on that, everything else becomes fairly easy. Most people talk way too much anyway, and as a guy, the more you talk, the less attractive you are. The skill that is in high demand is: listening.
Hey Bob, are you as surprised as me that we still didn't see anyone actually approaching a woman, and actually CONNECTING with women, or anyone building ATTRACTION with women? Just more "hi", "how's your day", and "nice hat", and stuff that doesn't go ANYWHERE. (Although the "I'm a ----- EXPERT" line is pretty good."
The place looked pretty dead though. Hardly any women in there, and the few that were, looked like they were married, and shopping for their families. If they didn't say it was London, I'd have thought they were in Cincinnati.
Second thought Bob, when are we going to get together to film that video, so we can post it here?
I, for one, think a video of Bob leaning back on the counter, and saying to a woman, "hey darlin'.. you look purrty!.. come over here!", would be a trip. I'd be happy to volunteer my services, and film it.. lol.
It would sure be a welcome change of pace here.
I read this blog all the time and rarely post but i have to say that Bob, you always crack me up, so hilarious sometimes, hahaha. Nothing wrong with a little ball busting here and there! Alright just to give David a little credit here cuz my man Bob has been talking a little bit of trash recently about how David can't approach anymore and whether he still has it in him...and it is kinda funny....hey everyone needs to be challenged from time to time, i get it....but i do need to clarify some things. I worked with David one on one more than a few times last year and i can tell you that within the first fifteen minutes of talking to me we immediately launched into approaching and conversing with women over and over and over again. Alot of him approaching and communicating while i watched....very successfully and effortlessly i must say...and then me approaching and him watching/listening off to the side and then breaking what i did right/wrong for me. All that said I do have to agree with you Bob i have no idea what's going on in these videos because if i were roaming around while he was coaching me just randomly saying hi to people and that's conversation or anything...he'd look at me like i was a crazy person or something. I think the practice need to be solely focused on the conversation. This kind of random hello stuff seems to be only for those who like maybe have some extreme social anxiety or something.
When it comes to women in a burka, you have to get out of your head that none of these women will flirt! Last year, I did some flirting with a gal in a burka. They are just as social as any other woman! David talks about how women love a man who takes charge, some show it in different ways. A woman who wears a burka is showing her submission to men and their God who is also a male. Talk to all the women, don't be afraid of saying something to a gal wearing a burka! :)
The main problem with this kind of 'approach' technique is that you are basically talking to strangers who have not given you even the slightest indication that they feel any sort of attraction towards you. I don't know where you all live, but in most stores I know, a guy randomly talking to all the women would definitely get approached: by the store manager. If you do that in the city where you live, you'll be the talk of the town in no time, and not in a good way.
Haha you guys commenting are so funny! All I see is fear here, the purpose of the video was to warm up and get out of your head...Not to attract anyone, Im sure if that was the case, David would have told the guy to stick around. I do it all the time in grocery stores with no problems from managers, and have met up with and got a few dates that way. Get out there and DO IT instead of keyboard analyzing and talking from the sidelines
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