Do you want to know what super hero powers come about when you’re in love?

Well, you’re able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Your heart beats faster than a speeding bullet.

But most importantly…

You have the power to feel like you can accomplish anything because somebody loves you.

Somebody has your back.

Somebody honors who you are.

Somebody is protecting you and making you feel safe every single moment of every day with their loving energy wrapped around you.

You don’t have to be together all day long to feel that, because when you’re in love.

That person is with you by your side 24/7, even if you’re traveling.

Even if you’re working.

It’s because your souls are connected, and when your souls are connected you actually feel one another throughout the day, and it gives you a feeling that you can actually leap tall buildings in a single bound.

It is the ultimate high.

And as a matter of fact, it’s the only high that I ever will recommend.

Because love is the greatest feeling that two human beings, human souls, can share together.

Think about your life right now.

Think about all the things in your life that cause you stress and anxiety.

Think of the mantra that you may or may not have.

We’ve been programmed as a society to feel like we can do all this alone.

We have the illusion of a consistent social network by our side. Thank you Facebook for giving people the illusion that they’re never alone.

We spend our nights on our screens, looking at other people’s lives on the Internet. Posting thoughts, posting beliefs, so somebody can, well, like one of those beliefs or thoughts.

Facebook is a smart company because they’ve realized that people are more lonely than ever before, reaching out to things like social media for validation and really for love.

So if you look on Instagram, or Facebook, you now have a heart. You can actually love something that somebody posted.

We are a love starved society.

There’s not enough love out there in the world right now.

The Beatles had it right. All you need is love. But yet people are so afraid to put themselves out there.

I’ve been coaching for over 20 years and I would say 80% of the people that I’ve worked with have given up, on some level or another, that love will ever happen for them.


Because dating has become a throw-away culture.

Instead of talking and flirting, we swipe and type.

Instead of meeting and connecting, we double down and have as many dates as we can, not fully present at all to the person sitting in front of you.

Instead of being fully present, we’re checking our phones, so we’re missing the serendipitous moments that the universe and God are presenting to us every single day.

Love is what we all desire. It’s what we all want. That’s why Facebook and Instagram are such brilliant marketers. Let’s give the people what they want, Mark Zuckerberg and his team thought, let’s see who loves posts. Because deep down what that does is trigger something in all of us.

It triggers, well, if someone hearted me, does that mean they might have a crush on me.

We’ve become passive, instead of being romantic. We put something out there through social media because it’s safe.

I’m going to explain something about love to all of you.

You’re never going to get it if you play it safe.

Because if you play it by rules…

And if you keep playing it safe, you know what you’re going to get…

That blob that sits next to you every single night, giggling at TV shows, watching other people’s stories and lives come about on the screen.

That person who you don’t really love, but because you played it safe and you did not take a chance, you end up with a love that will not satisfy you.

For me, shit.

In my life right now, I can leap tall buildings in a single bound, and my heart beats faster than a speeding bullet, because I understand what it’s like.