I hear a lot from a lot of people in my age range about how much millennials suck.

It reminds me of when I was a yuppy (that was the term for the “millennials” back in the ’80s).

It was given to anybody in New York City who was in their 20s. We were all yuppies.

The older generation, well, just didn’t understand us yuppies.

They felt like us yuppies were always acting like we were entitled to everything.

And I can tell, you the list goes on and on and on.

Well, now, I’m at that age where people used to complain about me as a yuppy, and now it’s my term to complain about the millennials.

Sometimes I catch myself in a conversation and I think to myself, oh, my god. Am I becoming them? The people that I never liked when I was a yuppy?

I’ll talk about how all the millennials want to get rich and how they’re lazy and all this other stuff.

But in reality, every generation really wanted to get rich, and every generation was lazy in their own right.

Maybe the millennials have seen an increase in wealth like never before, so maybe they have it in their mind that they can actual do something through a social-media outlet and become famous and get rich that way. But then again, isn’t that just what society is showing them and how they grew up anyway?

The millennials grew up not competing with people at all, getting trophies no matter how bad they were in sports or no matter how badly they lost, so is that the yuppy parents’ fault in the first place?

We’re all just a product of our environment, but the beautiful thing about life is that we all can teach each other lessons.

You see, the millennials have all these new and exciting ideas because they have grown up in a world that is constantly evolving and changing. The ways that we do business now are ways that we’ve never done business before, and that, my friends, all has to do with what the millennials are. Apps are changing at a rapid pace. Dating is changing at a rapid pace. Everything changes at a rapid pace, and if you’re not up with the rapid pace that things are changing at, you’re going to get caught doing things very old school.

Success is going to become tougher for you.

So we all have beautiful, incredible lessons to learn from one another.

We all know that we can learn incredible things from each other, so instead of ripping each other apart, it’s time we listened to one another. It’s time we actually looked at each generation differently and really allowed the lessons to be presented.

If you’re older, like me, and you want to learn how business is being done now, talk to these millennials, talk to a successful one, learn what they’re doing. Be open to their thoughts and their minds. Don’t criticize it at all.

Because as times change, the ways we make money change, the way business is done changes.

And the fact is, you can’t go on talking about the olden days and how things were done.

Certainly, I talk about dating a lot, and I think the dating apps are kind of silly, but that’s what people do nowadays. It doesn’t mean that you can’t do the dating apps and then still go around and teach people how to meet organically like I do, because there could be a good combination of what’s old and what’s new.

But don’t just bash what’s new without hearing it out.

Hear out what they have to say. Hear out what the older generation has to say for all of you millennials.

Listen to each other, because there’s a good middle ground between what’s new and what’s old because we can learn from one another, and we can grow with each other. And that’s what’s amazing about the world today: it’s that there’s so many opportunities to literally grow and engage and learn. Be more open and watch the amazing results that come out of it.