You want to know how you know if you’re crazy?

Here’s how you know if you’re crazy.

It’s if you don’t take responsibility for your role in anything.

Whenever you’re confronted with anything…

It could be how you co-parent with a parent,

It could be something in your relationship,

It could be a work thing,

If you are constantly turning it around and blaming other people and not taking any responsibility for your role in it, you’re crazy.

Not only are you crazy…

You’re not evolved at all

You’re actually one of the least evolved people out there.

You see, in life, everybody is 50/50.

There’s co-conspirators in every single situation.

There’s no “you did this” and “you did that.”

“You’re at fault for that” and “You’re at fault for this.”

But yet, when you’re dealing with somebody who is crazy…

They will point the finger and blame you 24/7.

That’s when you know you’re with an irrational being.

So what do you do when you’re with an irrational being?

Well, you can’t engage them, because no matter what you say or what you do, they will never ever take responsibility for anything.

There’s no chance in Hell. You can tell them you’re dying.

And they could still find a reason why it’s your fault you died.

You could tell them anything, and they will have no empathy or compassion for anybody, except for themselves.

So how do you deal with this type of person?

You deal with them with lawyers.

Because that’s what lawyers are there for. Lawyers are there for people that are irrational

You throw them into therapy. Not together. You throw them into therapy alone.

And more importantly, you never ever allow another narcissistic, self-absorbed, Teflon-coated, human being in your life again.