Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
So your in line at Starbucks and right in front of you is this woman that you can’t keep your eyes off of.
So what do you do?
Some of you may run.
Some of you may hide.
Some of you may just say nothing.
Some of you will do some variation of what is in today’s video.
Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
About David
1.7 million men & women come to me every month to find the secrets to success. And after 20 years of coaching, I’ve discovered the golden keys to success in dating, business, health and wellness, and life.
I’ve helped millions of men and women around the globe achieve success in their dating, social and personal lives. I’m also a father to the world’s cutest little girl, and I am an unapologetic man. Some say I’m nuts, others say I’ve changed their life forever. One thing’s for certain: I’ll always give you the truth, whether you can handle it or not. I never sugar coat anything.
Nice is so overrated. I’d prefer brutally honest breakthrough to a “nice” rut any damn day of the week. If you’re the same way, then you've come to the right place.
1. Espresso doesn't have lots of caffeine, if I were really tired I'd be ordering a large from the drip brew, not the Espresso machine. Sure espresso tastes strong but the hot water goes through the grounds so quickly the caffeine doesn't have much time to dissolve.
2. So not only was the whole premise of your assumption way off, but you tried to start a conversation based on an assumption. I really hate that! If you want to know about me then ask a question, don't just assume something. I'm not just like regular, average, boring people, and if you assume that I am then you just annoy me.
Wow, way to miss the entire point, Eric. David isn't explaining the difference between caffeine in drip-brew and espresso...give me a break. He's teaching guys how easy it is to just open conversation with someone over something as measly as what they're ordering at the counter in such a common place as Starbucks.
There's absolutely no assumption being made based on who's getting what (in a HYPOTHETICAL scenario). He's just getting his foot in the door so that he can move on to more important topics and to ultimately make her feel comfortable enough and curious enough to want to see him again.
Try to read between the lines, dude.
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I definitely appreciate the overall message here and David's approach in general. I'm just saying that when people try to start conversations based on false assumptions it puts me off, especially early in the morning, and I wouldn't expect something that annoys me to go over very well with any one else.
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Thursday, February 3rd, 2011
Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Thursday, February 17th, 2011