10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

Heading towards Christmas and the magic of Santa, or Bezos, is in the air. Amazon Claus is working hard to deliver all of our Christmas gifts.
And I’m thinking about babies and instinct. Babies go from being surrounded by warmth, to being pushed out of the comfort staring at weird people, to placed on someone who smells just like the inside, and then they’re ok. It’s instinct.
Instinct is an interesting concept.
Seas turtles being born and having to rush to the sea before being eaten alive.
Fish get pushed out and are most times eaten immediately.
What about homeless dogs? Do they wonder why they can’t just go indoors when they’re outside?
It’s all the luck of the draw with animals.
But when it comes down to you- your life- it isn’t luck of the draw.
The beauty of being a human being, you have a choice. You can grow up in foster homes and still get to evolve.
You have the choice to be who you want.
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