10 Minute Daily Reality Check

With David Wygant

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Episode 534: Why You Must Lose In Life To Win

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All I want for Christmas is to lose.

Don’t you hate it- losing? Losing a relationship, losing money.
You know who hates it most? Millennials! They hate losing.

I grew up trying out for teams and I would be nervous and I’d wait to see if I made the first round of cuts. We played hard and we practiced hard, and sometimes we wouldn’t make it. And it sucks. But it helped me, it helped others, get better.

Millennials got participation trophies. They never had to experience that first round of cuts.

How do you get better at anything if you don’t lose?
You don’t get a participation trophy in life just for showing up.

Life only works when you’re ok with losing.
You can’t pep talk yourself if you don’t feel any pain.
You succeed when you lose.

You gotta lose in order to win.

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