10 Minute Daily Reality Check

With David Wygant

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Episode 514: What’s Your Personal Grade

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I’m watching a hierarchy in my daughter’s fish tank. The Angel fish is the top fish and just parades around being the boss. And they go in order from there. The lazy catfish is managing to not be lazy anymore.

Some fish just kind of float by. They aren’t aggressive at all.

Then there’s the hustler fish who scrub the tank and get the work done.

Which fish are you? The one that hangs out and does nothing, or the one that digs and scrubs and does everything it can to find what it’s looking for?

How was your year? If you had to grade your year, what would your grade be?

Did you push yourself or did you hardly get by and quit?

How would you honestly grade yourself?

Think it through. Grade your year and see where you can mark improvement.

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