People tell you who they are, but we ignore it.

You know why?

We want them to be what we want them to be.

That’s the biggest problem with dating: people tell you who they are and we don’t listen.

We get fixated on somebody, we don’t listen to everything they say. We create a story in our head. The story can be a romance with this person. The story can be a relationship.

Many relationships go down that road every single day. We give each other the blue print of who we are. We choose to filter out what we don’t want to hear.

We can look at somebody and say, “I love you, I love the way you are,” and they could say nothing back. And we can rationalize it in our head that they just don’t like saying it out loud. But in reality, they probably don’t feel the same way as you.

People tell you who they are everyday and we ignore it.

We don’t listen to what our boss has to say. We only listen to the parts that make us feel good, and then we’re shocked when we’re fired from a job.

People everyday tell you who they are and what they want. Everyday we filter it out. We filter it out because we want something so bad, whether it’s a relationship, whether it’s a job or a romance.

We have such amazing filters. We just don’t really listen.

Sometimes we don’t even listen to ourselves. Sometimes we don’t even hear our thoughts because we want something so bad. We want something from somebody so bad.

Can you imagine how life would be if we really just listened to everything people said and who they really are without the story that we create about what we want in them or from them?

People tell you who they are everyday. Next time stop ignoring it and start listening.