3 Reasons Why Self-Awareness Is So Important
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
Self-awareness is the key to mastering your own life.
Approach anxiety, gone.
Bad dates, gone.
Poverty, gone.
As I’m dictating blogs, trying to stay calm as I drive through Friday afternoon traffic in Los Angeles. I’m watching people and taking care because I’m self-aware. It seems like few others are.
Here are just 3 reasons self-awareness is so important.
1. No Woman Wants To Date a Selfish Man
I’m at the corner of La Cienega and Olympic and a guy jumps a red light just to end up sitting in the middle of the intersection. He thinks the cars in front of him are going to just move by magic. Nothing’s moving but why not push your car into the middle of the intersection so you can block everyone else.
Do you think he’s popular right now?
What gives him the right to hold other people up? It’s a lack of self-awareness and so many people have it.
It’s amazing how many times people reach up in front of me at the market and don’t even say excuse me. Or if I’m on a plane sitting in an aisle seat I’ll get hit on the head by someone’s luggage and they won’t say a word because they have no self-awareness.
Self-awareness is the key to success in everything you do because when you’re self-aware you’ll start to see things unfold in front of you rather than having to look for them.
2. You’ll Never Be Without An Opener Again
You won’t have to go crazy trying to think of the perfect thing to say when you meet a woman because when you’re self-aware you see opportunities in front of you. When you’re aware of what’s going on around you, you’re fed an unlimited supply of amazing openers. You can talk without sounding like a Mr. Robot spewing out programmed lines.
3. You Won’t Have To Guess How She Feels
With self-awareness you’ll be able to go home at the end of a date and realize she wasn’t into you at all. Not just that, but you’ll be perfectly fine with it. It’s a beautiful thing.
I’m sitting here at a stop light, and I’m watching a guy walking along reading his phone. He’s not paying attention to where he’s going. He has to be texting someone. He’s almost fallen off the sidewalk 3 times. Who are we constantly looking for?
Who are we trying to connect with? Why aren’t we more self-aware?
Once you start becoming more self-aware, you start seeing opportunities that weren’t there before. Wake up guys. Life’s right in front of you for the taking if you pay attention to it. I’m going to leave this post on a funny point.
When I first moved to Los Angeles in 1998, I was looking for a place to live. A friend was driving me around because I didn’t know my way. I looked at him and said, “Wow the leaves change color here. That’s so cool.”
He looked at me and said, “I never noticed that. I’ve been here 10 years and I never noticed!”
It’s a lack of self-awareness. Start noticing the things around you and you’ll never run out of ideas, never run out of things to say, and you’ll start acknowledging people around you. It’s a beautiful thing!
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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