Have you met a guy during the last six months whom you really liked a lot, but for some reason or other things just didn’t work out with him?

Perhaps you two went out and you (or he) over-thought things after the date.

Perhaps the two of you never called each other thinking the other would make that first phone call.

Perhaps he called you, but due to an unbelievably hectic work week you don’t return his call and leave him a message until five days later. Then he didn’t call you back because he thought you weren’t interested.

Is there any guy whom you met in the last six months about whom you always think “I wish I could go out with this guy one more time?” What is stopping you from contacting this guy? Why aren’t you contacting him?

I think the fact that you are not contacting this guy is the biggest mistake. I also know why you aren’t doing it. You aren’t contacting this guy because your ego is getting in the way. You are thinking “Well I don’t really want to contact him, because if he was interested in me he would call me.”

Is that true? Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not a mindreader, and neither are you. Maybe he was interested in you. Maybe HIS ego isn’t letting him show you his interest. There is only one way to know the answer to that question.

The reason I am writing this blog right now is because a few months ago a woman contacted me after we had not seen each other or spoken for about six months. She texted me and said “Hey you. Am I still in your phone?” I answered “Absolutely!”

It turns out that when we were together before she had some things she needed to work on, which she told me about in an email. She and I got together a couple of months later, and we have been hanging out together non-stop ever since.

Sometimes in life we need to take inventory of where we’ve been in order to move forward. Keeping that in mind, think about how many men you’ve been interested in but have not pursued. Think too about men you’ve dated previously about whom you always wonder what would happen if you could get together with them one more time.

Once you identify these men, go ahead and lob in that email, lob in that text or lob in that phone call to them. You never know. He might have been thinking and wondering about you in the same way.

In life, somebody has to make the first move … and whoever makes the first move is the one who has complete control of her life. Do you want to keep waiting and wondering, or do you want to go and unlock the mystery which could lead you to a great romance and a great connection.

Todays video is for all the women who want to learn about mens body language and what it means.