Have_fun!Following on from yesterdays blog, today’s video looks at the importance of having fun. We talk all the time about having more confidence, and how to build your self-esteem. And I believe so strongly one of the best ways to improve your self-confidence, and your approaches is to simply HAVE FUN!

Get out your head. Stop worrying about what other people think about you. And stop taking yourself too seriously. It’s about just letting go, and enjoying life. When you hold yourself all tense and nervous when you meet women, you give off that energy, and it doesn’t make you attractive to women. Most the time it scares them away.

I want you to stop thinking so much about what others think, and concentrate on getting out your head, and into the moment. It’s the only way to get over your fears, your anxieties, and your nerves when you’re out there meeting people. Try it once, and see how much better you feel.

Watch the video below. I have a challenge for you…