You’ve heard me talking in the past about “getting stuck in the opener.”

You know, when you start a conversation with a woman and ten minutes later you’re still going on about “What flavor Latte she likes” or whatever you opened her with. Something guys ask me all the time is, “How do I know what to say next? I can’t think of things to say that quickly.”

Here’s the thing….

While you’re in your head trying to figure out what to say next, you’re not listening to what she’s saying. Now she thinks you’re not listening to her. When you talk to women you need to listen. They’re pretty much telling you what to say next. Just follow the natural flow of the conversation.

If you worry about carrying a conversation after the opener, here’s my advice. Practice!

Take an improvisation class. Go out and chat to people wherever you go. Maybe spend more time out with friends and being social. It’s all about putting yourself in situations where you HAVE to communicate. The only way you’re going to get good at communicating is by doing more of it.

The chances are you’re probably better at it than you think. Take a look at this video from a live event from a while back. Look at how much better Thomas is at thinking on his feet than he believes.