10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

There’s this machine that was created. When it first came out, it was brand new and excited the masses.
As time passes by, the machine tends to evolve as all machines do. First this machine was small. Then the machine got large. Then the machine got bigger. Then the machine got even more complex.
Then the machine started getting into your psyche. Then this machine started controlling your psyche. Then this machine started taking away moments between you and other people.
Then this machine fully dominates you. It actually makes you get a new one often. This machine controls you. It’s the biggest mind control you’ve ever had. And you allow it every single day.
Today, John Keagan and I will explain to you what this machine is, and how you can break free of it before it totally destroys your life. This podcast today is one of the last few that we strongly suggest you pass onto other people.
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