10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

Today, everybody’s got a guru. Everybody’s got a self-help book. Everybody’s got a diet, an exercise program, and a lifestyle. And you know what? They keep telling you how great it is. They want you to follow it… because they love you.
Well you know what? I call bullsh*t. When people keep telling you how enlightened they are, that’s not coming from a place of love. It’s coming from their ego. And that’s what I’m going to talk about with my great guest Ken Bechtel today: cut the self-righteous bullshit.
Listen, rate and subscribe us, and be sure to share it with that self-righteous crossfit vegan life coach wannabe you know (because we all know one). And be sure you check out Ken at https://www.kenbechtel.com/.
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