10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

We don’t really listen to ourselves.
When we do, we’re listening to old programming.
An example would be how powerful marketing and advertising are. We can recite commercials and songs.
We’re programmed that way. It’s the same with our actions, and not all of our actions are right for us.
When we attempt a new thing, we don’t trust it because it’s not in our programming.
We need to make a conscious effort to do it a new thing the right way to fight through impulses.
We have to spend time doing the opposite of what we’re used to, even if it’s uncomfortable.
We fear what we’re told, even when experts tell us exactly what to do.
We spend all this money on getting expert opinions and we ignore it.
We should just listen and leave our programmed impulses.
We should write down our “new” programming, remember what the experts tell us, and trust it.
It will be a challenge, but we’ll form a new habit.
Try it for a week. Then for 30 days. Take it day by day. Reprogram your mind and your brain.
You’ll then start doing the things that benefit you as a person.
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