10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

Freedom! Do you know what it’s like to have complete freedom to do and say what you want?
Do you know how to get out of your own way? If you don’t trust the process and get out of your own way, you’re going to fail.
The average person spends 2 hours a day, or 60 hours a month on social media.
That’s 2 and a half days wasted that you aren’t putting yourself in the mindset to succeed.
Life is too short to waste time.
That’s 2 and a half days wasted that you aren’t putting yourself in the mindset to succeed.
Life is too short to waste time.
Trading has taught me how to put myself in the right mindset to succeed. It’s a system and if the system doesn’t work, it’s my fault, not the system’s.
I continue to watch and learn systems and learn to trust the system and getting myself out of the way.
The reason so many people suck is because they can’t get out of their own way.
Losers are always getting in their own way.
Winners get out of their own way.
The reason so many people suck is because they can’t get out of their own way.
Losers are always getting in their own way.
Winners get out of their own way.
Do you have a plan? I have a plan and I focus on the plan. If I get in my own head and not trust the system, it’s me getting in my own way.
People suck because they’re constantly looking at the end result and getting in their own way- so they fail.
Make a plan. Put yourself in the right mindset. Follow the plan and trust the system and you will be a winner.
Just a thought.
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