10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

How many of you fall for the old marketing gimmick: you buy something because it looks flashy. Because there’s some bikini-clad woman in the commercial? Well, don’t you realize that swipe dating is the EXACT same thing?
When you’re swiping, chances are you date the hype. You date the stories you create about this person, but you don’t date the truth. Well, in today’s reality check, Obi and I are going to break down the hype for you and show you how to see the person in front of you (and nothing else).
So join us today, download and rate this podcast, subscribe to us, and PLEASE share this with the friends who are swiping on Tinder and Bumble. Because God knows they’re not going to hear radical self-help like this anywhere else 😉
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