The Attraction-Sex-Love Connection

12 PROVEN Steps That Take You From Zero to Intimacy


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Hey, David Wygant Here

World-Renowned Dating & Success Coach, Life Coach & Social Strategist for Men

You know what I love about my life? I get to wake up every morning and help guys like you. Help them be the healthiest, wealthiest, most attractive and successful and unstoppable versions of themselves.

I get to go on TV shows and radio shows and podcasts and help people wake the f@*k up & start living their lives to the fullest. See, I LOVE what I do. It brings me joy to be able to inspire and help you create the life you've always wanted to live.

And that's EXACTLY why I made this little eBook for you. Because I know that, if you're like most men, you want to date your dream girl. You see her, and you want to make her YOURS. But the thing is... you don't know what to say. You don't know how to act and how to "pick her up."

THAT is where this powerful book comes in. Let me tell you a little more about it...

In The Attraction-Sex-Love Connection, You Will Learn
12 PROVEN Steps That Take You From ZERO to Intimacy:


  1. Developing the right mindset...
  2. Overcoming approach anxiety...
  3. Letting go of your ego...
  4. Learning the attraction signals...


  1. Becoming bold & confident...
  2. Awareness of your "sexual image"...
  3. The secret formula for sexual intimacy...
  4. Sexual communication...


  1. How to know it's "L-O-V-E"...
  2. Observing "love actions"...
  3. The perfect "love day" breakdown...
  4. What love REALLY is...

This 26-Page eBook is the ULTIMATE Manual for Bridging
the Gap — from the First Approach to Getting Serious...

My team and I are ecstatic at the opportunity to connect with you on this, and we’re determined to pack this PDF full of information and exercises that have been hand picked based on YOUR feedback.

Each step included is based entirely from feedback we’ve received from individuals just like you who may have had the same questions as you...

And by the end of reading it, you'll not only know how to solve the basic problem of approaching beautiful women, but also the secrets to better, HOTTER sex and ultimately making your dream girl your GIRLFRIEND.
