~White Picket Seduction~

The FOOLPROOF Way to Meet Some of the Most Horny & Attractive Women in YOUR Town!


The Secrets to Making the Suburbs Your Sexual Playground

PRICE: $94 TODAY ONLY: $23.50

The Suburbs are Chock-Full of Super-Hot & Sexually Adventurous Women Who Are DYING to Meet You...

& for TODAY ONLY, I'm Giving You My "Special Sauce" for Seduction in the Suburbs...

Think about it...

  • Women in the suburbs are just as bored as you are... they're looking for men to "rescue them."
  • Suburban men are mostly passive — become the POWERFUL alpha-male & you'll have virtually NO competition!
  • Women in the suburbs are among the most sexually adventurous — there's a good reason why "swinging" and "wife swapping" started in the suburbs!

And That's EXACTLY Why I Created This Program:

~White Picket Seduction~

I'm going to open up doors in approaching and seducing women that you never even knew existed.

In White Picket Seduction, my coaches and I sit down and tell you some of our top-secret techniques and strategies (usually reserved for private coaching clients) for:

  • Meeting women almost ANYWHERE you go
  • Overcoming your anxiety around women
  • Becoming a dominant, unfiltered, uber-confident man

Here's Just a TASTE of What You'll Find Inside:

  • Why the suburbs is actually the best place to meet sexy, adventurous women
  • The foolproof "A-B-C" method for becoming CONFIDENT & approaching ANY woman
  • How to craft your "reputation" in a small town to become irresistible to woman (WITHOUT being "blacklisted" by women as a "player.")
  • The simple mindset techniques you can use to meet women ANYWHERE — even in the most BORING town
  • The BIGGEST signs that a girl is interested in you (these are TIME-TESTED & CANNOT FAIL!)
  • How to spot & always go for the low-hanging fruit
  • How to rewire your mindset so you literally DO NOT GIVE A SH*T about rejection
  • How to stay positive & persistent (even when you've been shut down HUNDREDS of times)
  • What being an "alpha" male ACTUALLY means (NOT what you think)
  • Why women want you to "claim" them — and how you can walk up to ANY woman and claim her...
  • How to make yourself the center of attention — walk into any room and f*cking OWN IT
  • How to genuinely live an interesting life (THIS is one of the most overlooked factors in attraction)
  • The suburbs are FULL of passive "beta-males" — become the dominant alpha male and EVERY woman in your town will be eating out the palm of your hand!
  • My super-effective "George Costanza technique" — do the OPPOSITE of what everyone else is doing...
  • How to shrug off rejection like no big deal & move onto the next approach
  • How to use "implied intimacy" with women you've met before
  • No-fail openers guaranteed to work ANYWHERE, ANYTIME
  • The #1 thing women want when they're approached (99% of guys get this wrong!)

PLUS — For TODAY ONLY, Get THESE Exclusive Bonuses:

BONUS: Foolproof First Dates (MP3)

Price: $29.95 YOURS FREE

  • The AMAZING technique to get rid of first-date jitters
  • How to be original with your first dates
  • The RIGHT mindset you must ALWAYS keep on a first date
  • How to take control on the first date & be the dominant man that women want

BONUS: Communication Confidence (eBook)

Price: $44.95 YOURS FREE

  • The TRUE root of your "approach anxiety" — and how to get rid of it INSTANTLY!
  • How to MASTER observation — this is the #1 key to attraction & seduction!
  • The #1 key to keeping a mindset that will make you an attraction machine!
  • How to communicate to always be creating attraction no matter what.
  • The 10 best story topics for creating rapport with any woman, anywhere!
  • & much more!

BONUS: Magnetic Openers (eBook)

Price: $19.95 YOURS FREE

  • My TOP-SECRET opener for supermarkets, whether Whole Foods of 7-11 (this works literally EVERY time!)
  • Why women LOVE to be challenged — and how to do this IMMEDIATELY when you open her
  • Why it's not WHAT the opener is so much as it is HOW you open her — I'll teach you to exude confidence from the first second!
  • & much more!

10-Day Free Trial to The Slight Edge Society*

*Optional — Accept/Deny at Checkout
  • Weekly video/audio content on topics that include:
    • Health tips to live a longer life
    • Cutting-edge business strategies that enable you to increase your income
    • Wealth-building strategies
    • Dating & relationship advice that will help you on the path for love
    • Techniques for expanding your network to become a leader and a social magnet
    • Secrets from world leaders on how to manifest the life you desire
  • Monthly Product Downloads — 1 per month
  • 10% OFF ALL coaching, seminars & bootcamps
  • & much more!

What Guys Like Your are Saying Right Now:

I had instant results within the first week. In the first week I managed to get 3 numbers, went out on 2 dates, and ended up having sex with one of the hottest women I have ever met.

Working with David is one of the most eye opening experiences I've ever had dealing not only with dating but with people in general and being more sociable. I am so excited to continue to work with David and cram as much of his material possible into my head, because it just works...and the best part about it is it isn't some corny pickup lines and being fake, rather its just about being a better version of the people we already are.

Mark H.

I will make this as simple and tell you that it is like an injection of self confidence and I'm seeing a world that was previously not there for me. I am engaging, I reflect a more open approachable demeanor and I am having one heck of a great time. I smile now and more importantly am able to make people around me smile. I am going out with a group of PUAs this week and I think I will be the one teaching them. Thank you David!

James M.

Thanks a million times for helping me on the road to having a better love-life. And I can not stop listening to the free coaching bonus audio. I swear David that guy is just like me and being able to hear you coach him one on one was like paying for a session with you.

You have a gift in making people believe in themselves and that is why I can now walk up to any woman and open her in natural, easy way.

No games with you my friend…

Seth Q.
~White Picket Seduction~

The Secrets to Making the Suburbs Your Sexual Playground

PRICE: $94 TODAY ONLY: $23.50

Why Time is Of the Essence...

White Picket Seduction isn't available ANYWHERE on my product catalog...

Until now, it's only been available as a special bonus for my VIP members...

But I'm releasing it to the world for a LIMITED TIME because I want to kickstart your dating success this summer. You can listen to the first few audios RIGHT NOW, go to a barbecue TONIGHT, and wake up next to a beautiful woman TOMORROW!

This is a FLASH SALE that lasts until midnight tonight, and the only reason I'm putting White Picket Seduction on sale is because I want THIS year to be YOUR year.

For today and TODAY ONLY, I'm releasing White Picket Seduction for the insane price of just $23.50 (JUST 25% what it's previously been sold for)!

And because I want you to know how invested I am in your dating success, I'm going to give you my industry-best 60-day guarantee!


Take 60 Days — yep, 2 full months — to implement the strategies and techniques in White Picket Seduction, and if after implementing them* you aren't getting MORE dates in 60 days than you got in the last year, I'll refund every red cent you paid for this product.

Yes, I do mean MORE dates in just 2 months than you've had in the entire year before... and that's what I'm 100% confident you will experience this once you utilize the techniques I teach you!

This a WHOPPER of a Guarantee ... but I'm really THAT confident in White Picket Seduction!

*Because this is an "action-based" guarantee, to request a refund simply send me an email telling me which technique(s) you implemented and describe what happened that left you unsatisfied. I do this simply to protect myself from the 1% of you out there who are dishonest and are trying to scam me. For the rest of you, trust me, once you go through this product and change your life, the only thing you'll be thinking about is why you didn't find this sooner...

~White Picket Seduction~

The Secrets to Making the Suburbs Your Sexual Playground

PRICE: $94 TODAY ONLY: $23.50

Grab your copy at this discount before these specially priced copies are GONE!

Can you honestly afford NOT to see if this product can totally transform your dating life?

Don't wait – take decisive action TODAY!

Looking forward to hearing about your success.


To Your Sexual Success in the Suburbs —


David Wygant

The World's Leading Authority on Life, Relationships & Personal Transformation