10 Minute Daily Reality Check

With David Wygant

Monday, October 22, 2018

Episode 495: Your One-Way Ticket To Nowhere

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I want to tell you something that I think you need to hear.

Everywhere I go in LA, people are saying “the universe is listening!”

NY is where everyone vents. They flip out and then they feel better and things are great.

LA is the land where every person likes to cover up their frustrations.
The people who never express themselves because “the universe is listening” are people who are suppressing everything.

Californians’ don’t allow you to vent. Putting a band-aid on it doesn’t help.
It’s perfectly normal to have loser moments and loser cycles in life and we need to vent. We need to let it all out.

If we constantly cover things up, if we keep from venting, the loser moments continue.

Don’t listen to anyone about the Universe listening.

Vent it out and clear the air and move on to bettering yourself.

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