10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

Wow… so I’ve always had my “social media is hurting us” soapbox, but some recent events have taken it to a whole new level.
If you haven’t heard, a man in Thailand recently took his son’s life – and then his own – on Facebook live.
So today, I sat down and talked with Britt and Tara from High Vibe Livin, and we’re going to talk about having a neutral, uncluttered and positive mindset in a world so darkened by the truly polarizing shit that social media feeds us.
Britt and Tara’s area of expertise is Kundalini yoga, and they’re two truly amazing people. Check them out at https://highvibelivin.com/, and be sure to download this episode and share it with your friends, and subscribe to 10 Minute Daily Reality Check in your podcatcher of choice.
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