10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

When children fall, their parents prop them up and that’s how they learn to walk.
When parents remove the training wheels from kid’s bikes, kids fall but they get back up and learn to ride their bikes.
Children get back up over and over again.
Adults are bigger babies.
Adults try something. Adults fall. Adults give up.
This is because so many adults have a loser mentality.
When you have a loser mentality, you cry at the first sign of failure. You quit.
Life does not work instantaneously. We have to fall again and again and get back up each time until we succeed.
Do you choose to be a loser, or will you just BE a winner?
We need to take responsibility for our failures so we learn.
Babies and children don’t blame others for falling on their faces. They just get back up.
Be willing to fall on your face as many times as you need to so you can get back up each time.
Only then will you learn.
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