10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

You’ve heard about the 5 second rule, right? We count to make a decision. We debate it out in our head.
We’re going to make it a 3 second rule now.
The longer it takes you to make a decision, the less successful that it’s going to be.
It’s that way in everything that truly matters.
When I look at stocks and they move without me, it’s because I thought about it for too many seconds.
We make decisions on impulses and we don’t think about our decisions.
Most things in life are traps that allow us to think way too long.
Giving ourselves 3 seconds to ask “Do I really need this right now?” will help us succeed.
Try it out next time you’re in the market when they give out free samples. “Am I going to benefit from taking this sample?”
As yourself a question so you don’t act on impulse.
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