10 Minute Daily Reality Check

With David Wygant

Monday, June 18, 2018

Episode: 423: Why Your Friends and Family are Clueless

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Father’s Day has just passed and I had a blast with my amazing daughter. Hopefully each of you had a great day (all you Dad’s).

When is it time to move, to move on and to something bigger and better.

Also – as a side: let me know what city I should consider moving to; Austin, Seattle, New York, Nashville – or some other city, give me your unbiased feedback!

Most of your friends and family really care for you – and this is why you should NOT ask them for advice because you know what – their fear wants to protect you.

Discover what to do when you family projects their stories on your life. How to step out, be brave and make any/all risk turn out positive for you. Get your advice from someone, ANYONE who is unbiased because you’re actually getting an opinion you actually need.

Lastly – how to sit on a pile of cash!

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