10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

Today I’m joined by my good friend Adam Gilad, and we’re talking about what it means to be an INSPIRED man. Why do so many men find dating so difficult (more so than ever in history)? Are we suffering a crisis of confidence, a crisis of masculinity?
We’ll cover all of this and more in today’s podcast, so join us by listening, downloading, and subscribing to the podcast in your podcatcher of choice. Share this with some men who need inspiration, AND be sure to register for Adam’s “Inspired Man Summit” where I will be speaking – learn more here: http://inspiredmansummit.com/
Episode Highlights:
- What is “acceptable behavior” for men in today’s society?
- What it means to be an inspired and bold man
- The 3 ways men can be inspired
- External vs. internal stimulus for inspiration
- How passion, inspiration & direction increase your status & sex appeal
- Inspired moments vs. inspired systems — and the importance of maintaining systems of inspiration
- REGISTER for The Inspired Man Summit where we’ve got an exciting roster of speakers (including both Adam and myself)
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