10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

Yesterday, Jonathon Aslay and I rocked the boat a little bit with a pretty radical suggestion: wait 30 days until having sex.
Well, today I have a very special guest who has a bit of a problem with that rule: Brian Howie, host of the acclaimed Great Love Debate. And Brian is going to make an even more radical suggestion: wait 100 hours.
Because 30 days could just mean a handful of dates. It doesn’t really mean that the other person is into you. But 100 hours? That’s commitment. That’s an investment that says, “I’m into you. I want you. Let’s do this.”
Listen to today’s episode and your reality on sex and relationships will never be the same. Subscribe to and rate 10 Minute Daily Reality Check in your podcatcher of choice, be sure to chek out Brian Howie at www.greatlovedebate.com… and if you’re in the LA area, you can catch both Brian and myself at The Great Love Debate tomorrow, April 13 at the Hollywood Improv.

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