10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

We’re well over 1 week into 2018, so here’s one last podcast on how to make 2018 amazing before that topic falls out of fashion. Today’s reality check is about… Bitcoin. Well, about the story that’s created about Bitcoin.
Everyone’s mystified by Bitcoin. How did it start? Where’s it going? What’s it worth? How does it work? It’s what’s on everyone’s minds, and today, what Obi and I are going to talk about is how YOU can create a story that’s just as powerful and be on everyone’s minds.
So listen to this little 7 minute reality check, since yesterday we gave you an 18 minute reality check. Download it, subscribe to it, leave us a review, share this on social media, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.
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