10 Minute Daily Reality Check

With David Wygant

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Episode 307: Sewing the Seeds of Love

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Do you want to know how neurotic technology has made us? Let me tell you: Facebook stalking. Social media stalking. Looking up your ex and thinking he or she is sending you hidden messages, sewing the seeds of love for you.

It’s not your fault. Technology has encouraged us to create all these stories about people (there’s a reason why it’s called a “story” on Instagram… get it?) But today, my friend Obi and I are here to bring you this reality check: stop creating stories, and start truly communicating.

Today’s podcast will show you how. So download it, subscribe to it, rate it, share THIS story with someone on social media, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

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