10 Minute Daily Reality Check

With David Wygant

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Episode 192: Why You Need a Fresh Perspective

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Mentorship. It’s an extremely powerful thing. Of course, my guest Brett and I both have a bit of a bias. We’re in the mentorship business. But, we also see the value of the mentors that WE have.

Because the truth of the matter is, friends are great. You go to them for a helping hand or an ear to listen to you, but they can only give you advice from where they’re at in life. And sometimes that’s not enough. Sometimes, you need a fresh perspective from someone who knows what they’re talking about.

And that’s what we’re going to give you today. So listen to today’s episode, subscribe to the podcast, rate it, share it, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.

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