10 Minute Daily Reality Check

With David Wygant

Monday, September 11, 2017

Episode 187: We Are All Human Hurricanes

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Thinking this weekend about all that’s going on in Florida, I’m reminded of a simple truth about life: we’re all just hurricanes in our own lives. We blow hot air every once in a while. We have our moments, our days, our weeks.

And just like a hurricane, we can be so destructive. But just like a hurricane, those times in our lives will pass. So what I want you to do today is recognize the times you’ve become a human hurricane. Recognize your triggers, and try to have a little empathy for all the other human hurricanes you come across.

So listen to today’s reality check, subscribe to it and rate it in your podcatcher of choice, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help. And, keep those in Florida and those affected by this hurricane in your thoughts and prayers.

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