10 Minute Daily Reality Check
With David Wygant

I’m chalk full of amazing ideas for apps, because this is what society has come to. We desperately want everything to be done for us, and we’re too lazy to put in the work. You want six-pack abs? There’s an app for that. You want to fall in love? There’s an app for that. You want to f*ck and get your rocks off? There’s an app for that.
And if there’s not, mark my words. In a year or two, there will be. Unless, we do something. Unless we get out there into the world and start connecting with one another again. I don’t know about you… but I’ll take real sex over some sex app any day.
And if you’re like me, then this reality check is for you. So listen to today’s episode, subscribe to and rate the podcast, and come back tomorrow for more radical self-help that doesn’t suck.
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